Father Greg Galvin, Pastor of St. Patrick Church in East Hampton with parishioners Dennis Wall, Kevin Kielly and Chris Annelli
By Christine Jackel
The 13th Annual Catholic Charities Golf Tournament was held at Fox Hopyard Golf Club on Wednesday, September 19th. Bishop Michael R. Cote welcomed the golfers and thanked sponsors for their support of Catholic Charities.
Awards were presented to the following golfers:1st Gross: John Estelle, Mario Diloreto, Brian McNamara, Matt McBride; 1st Net: John Malia, Shawn Farbota, Ron Baude, Matt Greene; 2nd Gross: Sagar Parekh, Jamie Hanrahan, Bob Godiksen, Mickey Walia; 2nd Net: Bishop Michael Cote, Ralph Monaco, Monsignor Leszek Janik, Scott Jenkins; 3rd Net: John Dolan, Brian Orenstein, Mike Gresh, Guy Henry; Closest-to-the-Pin (4th hole ):John Londregan; Longest Drive (18th hole): John Estelle; Putter: Mike Gresh; 50/50 Raffle: John Malia.
We have been blessed to have the following as our sponsors: $6,000 Platinum Sponsor Ken Capano and the ShopRite stores; $3,500 Gold Sponsor: Conway Londregan, Sheehan & Monaco, P.C. as well as suppling all the golfers with a stainless travel mug. $2,500 Silver Sponsors: Mystic Aquarium and the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council and $1,200 Bronze Sponsor RAD Computing. We had six $350 sponsors; Longest Drive: Connecticut Communications and Impellitteri - Malia funeral home; Closest-to-the-Pin: St. Patrick Church, Mystic and Waller, Smith & Palmer, P.C.; Practice Green: Raccio & Drew Dental Group, LLC and Charter Oak Federal Credit Union; 20 businesses and parishes as $200 Tee Sponsors and MJ Sullivan providing a beautiful blue 2018 Chevrolet Equinox on the 16th hole, awaiting the golfer who might get a hole-in-one. Unfortunately, no one drove the car away. Special thanks to Tom Ward, who is in charge of all the signage.
Ed Tessman, Catholic Charities Executive Director thanked Christine Jackel for coordinating the tournament and all volunteers who came out to help: Kathy Tessman, Pam Perrone, Mary Ellen Mahoney, Laura Malone, Sue Connelly, Kathy Capon, Cindy Mageski and Rosela Procopio. Attorney Ralph Monaco, chair of the New London Advisory Board, has been instrumental in keeping the tournament going strong for 13 years. He had this to say, “While it’s a great day of golf and networking, the reason we come together is to raise money to help those in need. Thank you to all who support us.”