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Workshops Offered at the 2019 Women's Conference

Posted on March 11, 2019 in: Events, Norwich Diocesan Council of Catholic Women

Workshops Offered at the 2019 Women's Conference

There is still 2 weeks to sign up for the Norwich Diocesan Women's Conference at Mercy High School on Saturday April 6.

Some of the workshops offered this year include:

Catholic Parenting:  Rights and Challenges: Faith, education and vigilance are needed so that you learn/know your rights regarding every aspects of your child’s life. Challenges include those presented by our toxic culture in the form of sex education programs, technology, the entertainment industry, etc. 

Blessing of our Faith: Blessings = God’s favor and protection, Faith = trust or confidence in Jesus.  Do we live this out each day? Do you really KNOW Jesus? Come and let’s find out together!

Prayer and the Changing Catholic Family:  No matter how culture changes, no matter how families are challenged, fear not.  Our Lord will guide you as He did Moses and Aaron.   Come, explore the Scriptures and through them, let God guide you with His light, His grace and His peace. 

Bringing People Back to the Faith: Faith is a free gift. It is always deep within our souls. Yet, sometimes it is shattered by the dynamics of church related issues. When one falls from the tree of a faith-filled life we are all affected. One soul lost depletes the tree of bearing the richness of one nourishing fruit. Let us walk the journey together and pray through ways to bring someone who is lost and dismayed to a place where Jesus is recognized and uplifted.

Mary: This workshop invites women to take a walk with Mary through her Seven Sorrows and find a message of strength, support and encouragement from the Mother of God who transformed her heartache and sorrow into peace and hope.

Types of Prayer: Look at different ways to communicate with God...  the different types of prayer are as varied as our personalities.  Learn new ways to speak and listen to God in your everyday life!

Adoration: Come and explore how you can grow deeper in understanding and practice of this devotion.  The presentation will give you some helpful hints so your experience will be more comfortable and fulfilling.  A short meditation will be used as an example for centering your focus along with helpful handouts.

Prayer All Ways: Come experience prayer in a multitude of ways based on the eight intelligences. No one learns or prays in only one way. Not everyone likes the same foods or kinds of music.  But we can build a vibrant and rich community and prayer life through our diversity.  We will cover as many prayer intelligences as time allows.

Finding Peace in a Violent World:“Would you like to experience peace in the whirlwind of our violent world? Come and explore how to tap into your spiritual journey, discover your inner fire and passion, your wisdom, intuition and power that moves you forward into wholeness. Peace is not passive!

Technology:  Help your ministry, volunteering, or work to be the most innovative it can be!  Increase your attendance, plan times people are able to attend meetings, learn online programs for virtual meetings or sending texts, find new sites for flyers, websites and videos- all for free.

Why Go To Church?: The practice of Christian Spirituality doesn’t happen in a vacuum. We can’t practice our values, share our gifts and talents, practice service and generosity, find our purpose and make connections without the Body of Christ.  How do we, as members of Christ’s body, continue to get that feeling when we attend Mass that we are right where we’re suppose to be.

Immigration, Are we our brother's keeper?: Brothers and Sisters to Us: the Human Face of Immigration.  With all the rhetoric swirling around the immigration question, what are the principles that should guide our response?  This workshop will look briefly at the immigration question from the human perspective, rather than the political perspective, and the Church’s position on this very challenging issue of our times.

Annulments Process: Annulments are unique to the Catholic Church. What are they, and when are they required? Most importantly, how is annulment related to the Church’s teaching on the sacrament of Marriage? 

Women of the Bible and our Connection to their witness:  Every woman who encounters Jesus and opens herself to His immediate life giving response to them becomes extraordinary.  Let us listen to the stories of four of my favorite sisters and open the gifts that they are eager to bring us. Anna shares with us the secret of perseverance.  Our unnamed sister, the Samaritan, shows us the power of forgiveness.  Mary and Martha teach us to seek what is important.  They are four of the most powerful people in scripture and they want to transform you!

Special Needs in our World Today: Join us for a conversation on how we can each serve the world around us to fully embrace and lift up the dignity of every human life. Discover practical and easy ways to walk alongside the poor around the world and to also serve those closest to us in our own communities. Together, we'll look at a world in need and how our simple "Yes" can be a part of the solution.

All Life is Sacred:  Yet every Catholic woman has an important role, no matter her state in life, to be a light in the darkness, to foster of Culture of Life in her home, workplace, volunteer activities, and her parish.

We hope you decide to join us and bring a friend, sister, daughter, mother, or any special woman in your life!
You can print the 2019 registration form right off this webpage or register online by following the link, also on this webpage.
This year we are offering online payment and registration. Click the button below to register for the conference!  Or if you would rather Download a registration form -

Click Here for Form

 OR Register Online

Sponsored by the Office of Faith Events and the NDCCW. 

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    Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich
    201 Broadway
    Norwich, CT 06360-4328
    Phone: 860-887-9294