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Katheryn Jean Lopez, a writer for the National Review, opened an article she wrote regarding SEEK2019 in Indianapolis with the following:

Curtis Martin might as well have been Saint Paul here. On the third day of the new year, the Indianapolis Convention Center transformed into a place of worship. Seventeen thousand took over the space in the name of Jesus, on the Christmas season feast of the Holy Name of Jesus, for the Fellowship of Catholic University Students’ biannual SEEK event, drawing in young people who are seeking something more out of life and even religion than what so many settle for. She went on to write:

Martin, founder and CEO of FOCUS, talked about how life is meant to be a great adventure, a drama that’s continually unfolding. It’s not meant to be safe or comfortable .Your life isn’t your own, it’s a gift from God, to be given back to Him. Serving Him is praising Him. But first you have to be grateful, and before that you have to be able to see what there is to give thanks for in the first place.

Kathryn Lopez went on to compare Martin to Saint Paul – Although Martin might not have as colorful a past as that of Saint Paul, the most(in)famous of converts, once a chief persecutor of Christians who would eventually die for Christ, he urged the young to live a holy adventure. Here, as you might expect, high on the list of what young people are seeking is a vocation: marriage; the priesthood; religious life; or whatever it is that God has planned out for them. Praying like the sisters, brothers or priests do for a few days starts to give a taste of that option. And there in Friday-morning prayer was Saint Paul, writing to the Romans (12:1–2):

Brothers, I beg you through the mercy of God to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God, your spiritual worship. Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, so that you may judge what is God’s will, what is good, pleasing, and perfect. That was Martin’s point. That is the point of the Christian life — to give everything to God. Kathryn hit the nail on the head, and I believe, like myself, was positively influenced by the overall experience of this particular Catholic gathering.

Picture a quarter mile procession of almost 500 priests, walking in groups of four, 17,000 plus college students, volunteers, FOCUS Missionaries, guest speakers, and families, all coming together to worship and praise God. In addition to the many speakers on a variety of inspirational topics there was the opportunity for all to have the heart of St. Jean Marie Vianney present throughout the conference to pray in the presence of and to venerate with faith. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament was beautifully set up in the chapel and available throughout the day along with the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Do you want more in your faith? Do you want to encounter Christ differently and more deeply than you ever have? Look for a campus with FOCUS on it when you plan for college. Something very special has been going on for the past twenty-one years in this country in the Catholic community and it is time that we all start spreading the good news of where and why it is happening! You ARE invited. All you have to do is answer the question – who are You SEEKING? You can find the right answer in your own parish! If you are not sure how to approach, then attend either the SEEK Leadership Summit in Phoenix beginning on December 30th or the next SEEK in 2020.

Do not wait. If you are looking for more, if you are searching for something greater than this world is offering you, look no further than to Christ our Lord, the King of Kings, and yes, the God who Loves you without end. His greatest desire is that you will choose to love Him back!

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Prayers for Priests and Deacons

Posted on February 12, 2025 in: Vocations


Prayers for Priests and Deacons
Monthly calendar helps people develop ongoing prayers for men who answer God’s call.    Anna Maria Dias calls herself a “prayer warrior” and welcomes others to join her. For the past 10 years, she has designed prayer calendars which includes the names of priests of the Archdiocese of Hartford. In addition, she designs a separate calendar each month for the deacons of the archdiocese. The calendars are distributed through email.  “I never heard of anyone saying they pray for priests,” Dias says. “The thought of p...

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