Posted on November 30, 2018 in: Reflections
Ready or not Advent has begun! It is now December and we all find ourselves looking ahead to the Christmas Season remembering all the preparation and work that is involved in making it special for our family and friends. Planning ahead has become an obsession in our culture. Decorations, cards and gifts are available two or three months in advance so that consumers can be prepared for the holiday or celebration. We have been conditioned to believe that the more we do in advance the more prepared we are for “the celebration”. Let’s try a new perspective on that idea this Advent. What will happen if we are LESS MATERIALLY PREPARED AND MORE SPIRITUALLY PREPARED this year?
Advent is a period of time given to us by the Church as a gift. It’s time set aside in our religious calendar to remind us how important the coming of Christ is for all of us personally. It provides us an opportunity to gain a better understanding of our faith. That better understanding will help us truly enjoy Christmas, all 12 days of it, from Christmas Day to Epiphany. For as Christians we know the true CELEBRATION of Christmas begins with the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
We pray that you are able to gain a new perspective on Advent and Christmas this year and that you will share it with everyone you come in contact with! .
Know you are in our prayers…Andrea, Liza, Marianne and Mary-Jo
Posted on February 25, 2025 in: Reflections, Lent
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Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich 201 Broadway Norwich, CT 06360-4328 Phone: 860-887-9294