Diocesan School Office Mission Statement
Rooted in the Gospel message of Jesus Christ, the Diocesan School Office provides leadership, support, policies and procedures. We are dedicated to nurturing spiritual growth, academic excellence, and operational vitality within the Catholic schools of the Diocese of Norwich.
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Our Catholic schools are high achieving and extremely safe and secure. Prayer is prevalent and children are happy. Faith, values, and morality are not only taught, but lived daily. We welcome students of all faiths. This inclusiveness stems from our mission to teach and reinforce the faith-based values that Christians hold dear. Moral values-honesty, humility, and respect- are all woven into class time and social time. Our strong administrators, faculty members, support staff bring experience, caring, discipline, and understanding in the classroom, as evidence by our academic excellence. Bishop Cote is extremely supportive of Catholic education in the Diocese of Norwich, as evidenced by his visible presence in all of our schools. The pastors, religious sisters and brothers, and deacons show tremendous dedication to our mission. Every child and teenager brings unique gifts and talents to our schools. It is this mosaic of gifts and talents which makes our schools so special.
The Diocesan School Office (DSO) provides leadership to: Catholic school pastors, principals, teachers, staff, parents, and students at:
Elementary/Middle Schools:
The total population of our schools is just under 3,500 students. Mindful of Catholic social teachings and Gospel values, the Diocesan School Office recommends and directs school policies and procedures. This office encourages the development of the whole person in the Catholic educational environment by emphasizing a lifetime respect for oneself and others, honesty, justice, peace, service of the needy and the value of academic achievement. Thanks to the generous support of the ACA, the DSO continues to implement a series of software upgrades, modernizing technology and linking to the various databases of Diocesan schools. In 2016, the curricula for Pre-K to grade 8 schools has been updated with new standards. In addition, the Diocesan PreK-8 report cards have been redeveloped to be more standards-based, with more delineation of subcategories per subject. All diocesan Pre-K to grade 8 schools have enrollment management plans. All schools have active strategic plans in place.