What is a vocation?
In the simplest terms, “vocation” means a “call.” In general terms, your vocation is what God calls you to do with your life. Everyone is called to know, love and serve God in this life, in order to be happy with him forever in heaven. Yet each one does this in a different, individual vocation such as marriage, religious life, priesthood or the generous single life.
Ultimately discovering your vocation is a decision made through prayer, but also requires one to make an informed decision, including advice from trusted friends, family and spiritual leaders. This page provides resources to those who may be considering a call to the consecrated, religious or priestly life.
What vocations are there?
There are four vocations. Everyone is called to one of these vocations.
- Marriage: The vocation to marriage is the most common. A man and a woman make a lifelong commitment of love and life to each other. Husband and wife must be open to welcoming children into the world, even if God does not bless them with any. The vocation to marriage involves the gift of self to one's spouse and any children that result from the union.
- Generous Single Life: People who are unmarried (including widows and widowers) are called to live the generous single life. This is a vocation marked by chastity and generosity, as the Church counts on such people to serve the People of God in ways that married people, religious, and clergy cannot do. Some people are called to this vocation temporarily, while others are asked to embrace this vocation throughout their lives.
- Religious Life: The vocation to religious life is for women or men who are called to dedicate their whole lives to the glory of God by joining a religious community. Religious takes vows that reflect the evangelical counsels of Jesus: a life of poverty, chastity, and obedience. The vocation to the relgious life most fully mirrors the earthly life of our Lord.
- Priesthood: Certain men are called to serve the Lord as priests. Priests are the primary dispensers of God's grace, conferred through the sacraments. Priests most fully participate in the Lord's threefold gifts of offering sacrifice (priest), teaching God's word (prophet), and directing the People of God (king).
What about the diaconate?
Deacons are often spoken of as a vocation in the Church, but technically, the diaconate is an office in the Church. Deacons are a way for certain men to live out their vocation. Before the Second Vatican Council, all deacons were either members of the religious life or the priesthood, but this was later expanded to include married and generous single men.
Discernment Retreat
with the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady Mother of the Church