Caregiver Spirituality

Caregiver Spirituality

We hope you find the resources helpful and are enriched by the support and spiritual encouragement they include. 

These resources will be changed and updated at the beginning of every month so that you will have access to new inspirational and informational ideas. Please feel free to contact us with  any questions, comments or concerns. Know that we are praying for all the caregivers as they continue to balance their lives and caregiving.

God’s blessings and peace,
Andrea Hoisl, Director of the Office of Faith Events


The Role of Spirituality in a Caregiver’s Life
    When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing beside her, he said to his mother, "Woman, here is your son." Then he said to the disciple, "Here is your mother." And from that hour the disciple took her into his own home.                                                  &...

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What a Sick Person Needs, Besides Medical Care, is Love
"The pleas of gravely ill persons who sometimes ask for death are not to be understood as implying a true desire for euthanasia; in fact it is almost always a case of an anguished plea for help and love. What a sick person needs, besides medical care, is love, the human and supernatural warmth with which the sick person can and ought to be surrounded by those close to him or her, parents and children, doctors and nurses."[283]     The sick person who feels surrounded by a loving human and Christian presence does not give way to depression and ang...

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Alzheimer and Dementia Support and Warning Signs
Helpline Information 24/7 Helpline: 800.272.3900 The Alzheimer’s Association 24/7 Helpline (800.272.3900) is available around the clock, 365 days a year. Through this free service, specialists and master’s-level clinicians offer confidential support and information to people living with the disease, caregivers, families and the public. 24/7 Helpline: 800.272.3900 Contact the Helpline day or night to: Speak confidentially with master’s-level care consultants for decision-making support, crisis assistance and education on ...

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God Bless Our Families and Devoted Caregivers
I hope this summer has given you the opportunity to safely attend birthday parties, baptisms, weddings, graduations and picnics with friends and family. Many of us have waited quite a while to visit with our parents, grandparents and loved ones.  My husband, daughter and I were finally able to safely spend time with his grandparents this summer. We are all fully vaccinated and were truly blessed to celebrate their 75th diamond wedding anniversary together.  The love and devotion Nathaniel (Pops) and Dolores (Mems) have for each other and their family is infi...

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For Parishes: A Square and Prayer Ministry
Now available from the Diocesan Square and Prayer Ministry Individually wrapped, knitted “prayer squares” with prayer cards are available to diocese parishioners for distribution to convalescent homes, hospitals, care facilities and more. “Prayer Squares” are free of charge and available on a first-come, first served basis.   Interested in distributing squares or in volunteering your crocheting and/or knitting skills? Please contact Marianne at the Office of Faith Events at (860) 848-2237 ext. 304 or manicholas@norwichdioc...

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Norwich, Catholic, Prayer
Ministry to the Sick Shows God’s Presence And The Power Of Prayer
It has been a long six months for most of us. I hope that you have enjoyed your summer and  been able to participate in some safe social-distancing outdoor activities. As we move forward together as “One Faith, One Family,” this crisis has provided a new perspective.  Most people know someone affected by COVID-19, and some have experienced the loss of a friend or family member to the disease. People have been out of work or have lost their jobs or businesses. Tragically, I lost my great-aunt to the illness. It was very difficult for our family, espe...

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Norwich, Catholic
Spiritual Renewal Ministry Offers Compassionate Care 
"COME TO ME ALL WHO ARE WEARY AND I WILL GIVE YOU REST" - Matthew 11:28 Spiritual Renewal Ministry has been active in the diocese of Norwich for more than 40 years.  Our mission is to help people develop a closer relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, by offering spiritual programs such as parish missions, Life in the Spirit seminars, retreats, Masses of Healing and Hope, and Healing and Freedom conferences, to name a few. We are living in a very difficult time, dealing with a pandemic health crisis, financial problems, and isolation. What do w...

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Norwich, Catholic
St. Joseph Living Center in Windham Continues Its Mission
COVID-19 has certainly changed how things are done here at St. Joseph Living Center. While families have been asked not to visit, we work hard to make sure our residents have the ability to chat with them. Communication is the key in every aspect of life.  St. Joseph Living Center is a 120-bed skilled nursing and rehabilitation facility located in Windham.  We offer short-term rehabilitation, along with long-term and end of life care. We also offer outpatient therapy that services patients in the community. Our facility adheres to the moral and ethical teaching...

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Norwich, Catholic, Saint, Joseph
Office of Faith Events Makes Cards for Convalescent Care Facilities
The Office of Faith Events passes along the following message:   Thank you to all the people of the diocese who have assisted us in making cards to distribute to convalescent homes.  If you would like to request cards for your facility please e-mail Andrea Hoisl, , with the name and place of the facility.  

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Norwich, Catholic
The Role of Spirituality in a Caregiver’s Life
    When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing beside her, he said to his mother, "Woman, here is your son." Then he said to the disciple, "Here is your mother." And from that hour the disciple took her into his own home.                                                  &...

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Spirituality Sites

One Tree, Many Branches
If you have children and aging parents, you understand the daily, intergenerational push and pull of family life. Check out this online resource from Franciscan Media.
One Tree, Many Branches

An Online Retreat
An online retreat with daily prayers and reflections at this site.
Creighton University has an on-line ministry
by Fr. Larry Gillick S.J. 

Daily Prayers
Sacred Space

Description of prayer in the Catechism

The Vatican
This is the official site from the Vatican and features the history, proclamations and doctrines of the Catholic Church.

Caregiver Resources

10 Inspirational Caregiver Quotes to Brighten Your Day

Remember: you are never alone. Here are 10 of our favorite inspirational caregiver quotes.

Catholic Caregivers
An online caregiver community and resources for parishes and dioceses

Catholic Charities USA
(703) 549-1390

Catholic Health Association of the United States
National headquarters: (314) 427-2500
Washington office: (202) 296-3993

Catholic Information Network

Catholic Medical Association
(781) 455-0259

Catholic News Service
(202) 541-3250

Catholic Online
(661) 869-1000

Creighton University Online Ministries

Online Retreat

Friends of St. John the Caregiver
Catholic organization promoting care for the caregiver

Knights of Columbus
(203) 752-4000

National Association of Catholic Chaplains
(414) 483-4898

National Catholic Bioethics Center
(215) 877-2660
The mission of this autonomous entity, formerly the Pope John XXIII Medical-Moral Research and Education Center, is to safeguard the dignity of the human person through research, education, publishing, and consultation in the medical and life sciences.

New Advent Catholic Supersite

Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care
The council is in charge of coordinating the activities of the different dicasteries of the Roman Curia as they relate to the health-care sector and its problems. It spreads, explains, and defends the teachings of the church on health issues and favors the church’s involvement in health-care practice.

Sacred Space
This daily prayer site is produced by the Irish Jesuits.

Universalis Publishing: Liturgy of the Hours

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops


Issues in Care for the Dying
(202) 541-3000


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    Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich
    201 Broadway
    Norwich, CT 06360-4328
    Phone: 860-887-9294