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The Positive Impact of a Catholic Education

Posted on August 08, 2022 in: School News

The Positive Impact of a Catholic Education

A Catholic Education has had such a positive impact on my life. Attending Catholic elementary, middle and high schools has provided me with a strong sense of community, the gift of life-long friendships and instilled the importance of volunteerism. 

I can remember many teachers throughout my Catholic education who had a profound influence on my life. I am sure we can all remember that one teacher who reached out to you when you needed support, stayed after school with you for extra help in math or English, or simply complimented you on a report well done or a good test grade. 

As fall approaches and our diocesan Catholic schools resume classes, we are reminded of the commitment our teachers have to Catholic education and how our students benefit from their guidance and support. 

There will be two very important events to help support our diocesan Catholic schools this fall. The first will be held throughout our parishes on Sept. 10-11, the Faith for the Future Campaign – Catholic Elementary School In-Pew Collection. Your generosity through this campaign assists our Catholic elementary schools in many ways. 

According to several of our school principals, much of the proceeds from last years collection were allocated wherever the need was greatest. For example, for tuition assistance, a new boiler, operating budgets and helping one of our schools with the installation of promethean interactive panels. 

The second event, the proceeds of which are used for tuition aid, is the 12th Annual Seton Scholarship Dinner. The dinner preparations have begun, and we are excited to be honoring Amy Freeman, Mother M. Elaine Moorcroft S.C.M.C. and Reverend Joseph Tito for their contributions to Catholic education. 

The dinner takes place on Nov. 6 at 4 p.m. at the Saint Clements Castle & Marina, just in time to see the beautiful foliage along the Connecticut River. Tickets are available for $150 per person and $100 for priests, religious, ministry directors and current Diocese of Norwich Catholic school faculty and staff. Invitations will be sent out toward the middle of August, and on-line sales will begin Aug. 1. To be added to our guest list or for further details, feel free to contact Gina Foster, Stewardship Coordinator, Office of Development at gfoster@norwichdiocese.net or 860-886-1928 extension 115. I look forward to seeing you this fall and once again appreciate your kindness and generosity.


Finally, I would like to thank the principals, teachers and staff of our diocesan schools for working with me so diligently on both events, the Office of Communications for assisting me with my ads, articles and website updates, and of course my co-workers in the Office of Development for their daily support. I owe much of the success of the Faith for the Future Campaign and the Seton Scholarship Dinner to all of you.

By Gina Foster

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    201 Broadway
    Norwich, CT 06360-4328
    Phone: 860-887-9294