On Sunday, July 3, we had an All-American Sing-a-Long at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick. There were over 250 people in attendance – organists, choir members, church parishioners, community members all unifying their voices with joy. There was one college student who remarked, “This is the first moment of unity I have seen in a long time.”

The refrain from "Hail! Columbia," which functioned unofficially as one of our National Anthems in our country’s early days, states, “Firm, united, let us be, rallying ‘round our liberty, as a band of brothers joined, peace and safety we shall find.” Even though the language is a bit dated, it is still relevant. God calls us to be one – making us the Church. This kind of unity is reflected in this refrain.
As the performer, aside from being pleased that there was an excellent choir in attendance, there was one thing I noticed at the end – everyone’s eyes were shining. They were not thinking about the traffic they sat in all week; they were not thinking about the office cubicle they endure every day; they were not thinking about the argument they had a few days ago. They were thinking about the music still ringing in their hearts and how the music filled them with joy and love for one another. This is how I find that God works through music, and restores people’s souls with love.
Next season, I encourage you to attend these concerts at the Cathedral and see how God works on your heart through music:
- Masterworks Series October 23, 2022 at 1:00PM – an organ concert demonstrating how our beautiful instrument can act like an orchestra.
- Candlelight Concert and Compline November 20, 2022 at 7:30PM – meditative choral music followed by evening prayer.
- Festival of Lessons and Carols December 18, 2022 at 7:30PM – the Christmas Story presented with choir music and Christmas Carols.
- U.S. Air Force Singing Sergeants on Tour February 19, 2023 at 7:30PM – choral a cappella group from within the U. S. Air Force Band providing an array of religious and patriotic music.
- Candlelight Concert and Compline March 19, 2023 at 7:30PM – meditative choral music followed by evening prayer.
In Christ,
Michael Steven Lianos
Director of Music and Organist
Cathedral of Saint Patrick