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Heartfelt Donations Help Struggling Families

Posted on June 29, 2022 in: Catholic Charities News

Heartfelt Donations Help Struggling Families

The Norwich Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (NDCCW) held its annual Layette on Saturday, June 11th at St. Joseph’s Church in Willimantic Connecticut. The NDCCW has organized and held this layette for over 40 years in parishes throughout the diocese.   As Covid restrictions eased, ladies were finally able to gather to celebrate this annual event.  This year, the NDCCW also celebrated the 100th Anniversary milestone of Catholic Charities!  Women from the Council along with parishioners, and Catholic Charities staff including the Chief Operations Officer Susan Connelly, Chief Administrative Officer Laura Malone, and Caseworkers from our Norwich and Willimantic locations attended the event and assisted with the collection and distribution of these precious gifts. 

The NDCCW hosts this event to benefit expectant and new mothers in need throughout New London, Middlesex, Tolland, and Windham counties.   Every year, we are surprised and thankful for the outpouring of love that the parishioners of the Diocese of Norwich demonstrate with their generosity in donating baby supplies.  Susan Connelly, COO stated “I am overwhelmed with the amount of support that the NDCCW and the parishes within the Diocese of Norwich have shown Catholic Charities over the years!  It is heartwarming to know that when young families come to our doors in need, and in search of assistance, Catholic Charities will have the baby essentials in-house to help ease their burdens, thanks to the NDCCW Layette Program.”

As part of the celebration, a special guest speaker was in attendance.  Jacqueline Keller, a member of the Catholic Charities Board of Directors spoke on the history of the Agency.  For well over a year, Jacqueline has researched and compiled a historic timeline of Catholic Charities, from its humble beginnings at St. Mary Star of the Sea Church in New London in 1921 with Fr. Timothy Crowley and the Crowley Club, until the present 2022.  Jacqueline shared how the Norwich Council of Catholic Women was involved in social activities from the beginning which set the foundation of Catholic Charities.  Attendees were enthralled with the stories Jacqui told and how the actions of the past members of the NDCCW still carry on today.  The history of the Agency can be found on the Catholic Charities website at ccfsn.org/Our-History.  The compilation can also be found in the Four County Catholic Publication.

Catholic Charities would like to humbly thank Nia Romero-Caron, President of the NDCCW, Anne King who organized the event, along with the members of the council, parishioners of the Diocese of Norwich, and all those involved in the NDCCW’s Layette program.  Their heartfelt donations will ease the burdens that new families are facing, especially during these unprecedented economic times.  For this, we humbly thank you!  To find out how you can help a family in need, please call 860-889-8346.

By: Laura Malone

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    Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich
    201 Broadway
    Norwich, CT 06360-4328
    Phone: 860-887-9294