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Memorial Day Masses Honor Sacrifices of Service Members

Posted on May 30, 2022 in: News

Memorial Day Masses Honor Sacrifices of Service Members

Memorial Day Mass took place throughout the diocese today to honor the sacrifices of service members.

At Saint Joseph Cemetery in Norwich, the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote concelebrated Mass with priests from the Norwich deanery, at the cemetery's outdoor altar before a large statue of Jesus Christ.

A dedicated group of more than 50 people gathered Monday, May 30th under a perfect backdrop of sunny skies, a light breeze, and singing birds to honor the U.S. Armed Forces men and women who have died in military service to our country. 

Bishop Cote began the homily with recited a prayer for Memorial Day

Remember, Lord, the fallen
Who died in fields of war,
In flaming clouds, in screaming crowds,
On street that are no more,

That we today might waken
And greet this day in peace
With grateful prayer for those who bear
The storms that never cease.

Remember friends and strangers,
And those forgotten now;
Whose names are known to you alone,
Before whose love we bow,

And ask that you surround them
With mercy’s endless light
That they may live, and we forgive
The foe they went to fight.

Remember, Lord, the living.
Who bear the pain of loss-
A death she died who stood before
Her Son upon the cross.

Remember all your children
The dead and those who weep,
And make us one beneath the sun
Where love will never sleep.

He then continued, "Throughout America, memorial services are being held today, wreaths are being placed on tombs, as a nation, we honor our military men and women who have given their lives in service of our country. Not only in past wars but also the brave men and women who continue to lay down their lives for our beloved country.

In this sacred place, we offer Mass for the intentions of all those brave men and women of our military who died for our country for us and our freedoms. We also pray for the protection of all military personnel wherever they may serve, especially those in harm's way. We pray for those who have been wounded, maimed, and continue to suffer the ravages and scars of war.

Finally, we remember in prayer, all those who have lost loved ones; a son, a daughter, a husband, a wife, a father, a mother, a sister, or a brother. We mourn certainly, but we do not mourn as those who have no hope of life after death. For ours is a faith that tells us that Jesus who died and rose from the dead will bring to eternal life all who believe in Him, and trust in His love. For all who trust in the Lord Jesus there is no room for fear for He is the Way the Truth and the Life. He is our Shepherd.

War and aggression are evils -- evils which we will always and clearly wish never came to pass. Yet men and women of goodwill fight aggressors, with the intention of preserving our freedoms, and our peace. In the end, however, there is only one who can preserve our peace and tranquility -- God Himself. And so it is that we raise our voices to God in prayer for the gift of world wide peace.

Peace was the very gift that our Lord extended to His disciples upon seeing them for the first time after His resurrection. When we pray for peace, whether it be in our families, our communities, in foreign lands, we pray, that men and women everywhere, will seek conversion of heart and God's will in their lives.

For this gift, we ask today, for our leaders, and the leaders of all nations of all people for such conversion of heart is the only true way to lasting peace among us.

For all who have individually fought for our freedoms, know the rewards of everlasting life, and may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace"

At the end of the Mass, a trumpeter played "Taps," the traditional music to honor fallen soldiers. Then, those in attendance sang "America the Beautiful." 


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    Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich
    201 Broadway
    Norwich, CT 06360-4328
    Phone: 860-887-9294