By Marianne Nicholas

Father Brian Converse, Pastor Our Lady of Lourdes, Gales Ferry
Ordination Date: May 25, 1991
Cathedral of St. Patrick, Norwich by Bishop Daniel P. Reilly
Where are you from?
Woodstock, I have a wonderful, loving, and faithful family filled with old New England values.
Who was your biggest influence for entering the priesthood?
Father Russell Boisvert and Father Paul Hebert what one word would describe your family? Hardworking. What do you enjoy most about being a priest? Celebration of the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist.
What do you enjoy doing in your leisure time?
I enjoy trimming fruit trees, working on my Farmall Super C tractor, working out, reading, the outdoors, genealogy, cooking, beekeeping, target shooting, and being with friends.
What else would you like people to know about you?
I served as battalion chaplain for the Connecticut Army National Guard and was promoted to Captain in 2005. I had the distinct honor and privilege of serving my country during Operation Enduring Freedom- Afghanistan with the 1-102 Infantry (Mountain) Battalion in the U.S. Army since 2006. Among the medals I’ve received are two Bronze Stars, and the Army Commendation Medal with “V” for valor for valorous actions while under direct enemy fire.
What are the current positions you hold/ committees you are involved with?
I am the Pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Church, and Dean for the New London Deanery. I am a Chaplain (Lieutenant Colonel) to the 85th Troop Command, Connecticut Army National Guard. I am a life member of the Woodstock Agricultural Society, and Historical Society. A member of the Connecticut Society of Genealogists, the Catholic War Veterans (St. Michael’s Post 1562), the American Legion Post 111, the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 12150, the St. George River Land Trust, the Waldo County Beekeepers Association, the Maine Woodland Owners, and Maine Farm Bureau