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Saint Bernard School Summer Studies Program: “Become a Summer Saint” 

Posted on May 22, 2022 in: School News

Saint Bernard School Summer Studies Program: “Become a Summer Saint” 

Saint Bernard School will continue its third year of the comprehensive Summer Studies Program. This program has been designed to provide academic enrichment and to build skills in many subject areas. It offers something for every student and all students in grades 6-12 are welcome. All participants will receive an “I’m a Summer Saint!” t-shirt. 

A variety of courses will be offered throughout the summer. New this year is our action-packed Full STEAM Ahead summer camp for middle school students, packed with science, technology, engineering, art and math components each day of the week. The cost for the Full STEAM Ahead summer camp is $350.

As an incoming sixth-grader in 2020, Theresa took three summer classes: The Writing Process, Math Skills and Study Skills. “I got to know the teachers and other kids that would be in my classes in the fall. I would tell other students that even if you are pretty good in math, study skills and writing, you will learn a lot of things that will help you in middle school and I think in high school. I’m good at math but the class taught me so many things that I have been using this year.”

According to Head of School Don Macrino, with school closures and remote learning during the pandemic, students have not been able to get 100% of their learning experience. “We have built a program that offers a selection of enrichment, foundational and for credit courses that will help students brush up on their skills. We believe that participation in this program will close some of the educational gaps created by the pandemic.”

Courses are taught by Saint Bernard Faculty members and range from general interest classes such as Exploring Computer Science, Honors Accelerated Pre-Calculus and Health to more specialized topics such as Constitutional Law, Money Management, Journalism and more.  Enrichment classes include SAT Prep, Writing the College Essay, Common Application Seminar, Math Skills, Make a Video, Advanced Study Skills and Study Skills.

Costs for the classes begin at $200 for enrichment courses to $250 for half-credit courses and $400 for one-credit courses.  The SAT Preparation course is a four-week class offered at $350.

“We see our summer program as part of our school’s wider mission to serve the needs of students not just at our school but throughout the region,” Director of School Counseling and Summer Programming, Holly Cyr says. “Based on previous years positive responses we are offering a robust program for the summer of 2022.” 

For more information about the Saint Bernard School summer program go to the school website at www.saintbernardschool.org or call (860) 848-1271 or email Mrs. Holly Cyr (hcyr@saint-bernard.com). 

By Kimberly Hodges

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