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With God, All Things are Possible - Vocations Corner

Posted on April 19, 2022 in: Vocations

With God, All Things are Possible - Vocations Corner

Can you believe that it has been over three months since Father Larry Barile’s priestly ordination?  I asked Father Barile to reflect on his experience of priesthood thus far.  Here is what he had to say…

On December 8, 2021, the Most Rev. Michael R. Cote, DD conferred the Rite of Holy Priesthood upon me. It would be an understatement to say that it was one of the most profound moments in my life – the birth of my son being high among them. 

Bishop Cote imparted these words that were both simple and yet profound, “Enjoy today, tomorrow you go to work.” It has been exactly 3 months since my ordination, and true to the bishop’s words, it’s has been “tomorrow” every day since. But the joy of “today” remains, and by the grace of God, continues to grow richer and more meaningful each day.  

The day after ordination, I had the distinct privilege of celebrating my first Mass as a priest at St. Mary Church in Coventry – the parish of my youth.   

Prior to beginning my new assignment at Blessed Sacrament Parish in Rockville/Tolland, I had the honor to present a talk at the Knights of Columbus in New Haven for the Fr. Michael J. McGivney Day of Reflection. I also had the privilege to hear confessions for the first time - an honor that is rewarding, humbling, and truly undeserved. 

The privilege of being newly ordained didn’t stop there. The next day I was invited by Fr. Larry LaPointe, Pastor of Corpus Christi Parish in Willimantic, (my former assignment as a transitional deacon prior to priestly ordination), to celebrate two Sunday Masses. I celebrated one Mass at St. Mary and the other Mass in Spanish at Sagrado Corazon! I’m thankful for the Spanish speaking parishioners for exercising great mercy towards me which leads me to what I am most grateful about being a priest – the people.

When I arrived at Blessed Sacrament Parish, I was enthusiastically welcomed by the pastor, Fr. Rick Ricard, as well as by his dedicated staff, and most noticeably, by the parishioners. The love they have in their hearts for God, for their priests, and for one another is truly exceptional. 

The parishioners have been extremely generous with their words, their time, and amazing cooking!

The time I have been able to spend ministering to God’s people and celebrating the sacraments has been truly rewarding. But this isn’t to say that there haven’t been challenges. The ongoing pandemic has presented several occasions in which hospitals and nursing homes were reluctant to grant access to their patients for the purpose of administering the Anointing of the Sick. Thankfully, with much patience and persistence, most of those times were successful in meeting the individual’s or family’s request. 

Lastly, I was fortunate to celebrate a Mass at ORTV for the diocese as well as do a presentation on the Real Presence of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament for Blessed Sacrament Parish. 

It’s hard to imagine so much can be accomplished in so little time. But we all know that with God, all things are possible. And we know it is God who is doing the accomplishing. 

I give praise and thanks to God every day for the privilege of being a Catholic priest and being called to be a conduit of his amazing grace. 

Please pray for Fr. Larry as he lives out his call to serve God and our diocesan family.

If you think God is calling you or someone you know to a priestly or religious contact me at vocations@norwichdiocese.net

Father Jonathan Ficara - Director of Vocations

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