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Thankful and Blessed - New Traditions to Reinforce Thankfulness

Posted on November 14, 2021 in: FaithSparks

Thankful and Blessed - New Traditions to Reinforce Thankfulness

This is the time of year when we typically give thanks for all the blessings in our lives.  Thanksgiving reminds us to pause and examine all that we've been gifted by God.  We marvel throughout the month at God's bounty and generosity – blessing each one of us in innumerable ways, whether we deserve it or not.  But the practice of only thinking about this around Thanksgiving needs to be changed. We need to try to infuse thankful contemplation into our lives throughout the year. 

Being grateful and thankful is a practice that not only glorifies God for all God does for us, but also helps us acknowledge all the people in our lives who help us grow and become better Christians every day.  Without our family, friends, neighbors, and yes even strangers, we would not be the people we are today.  Everyone we encounter blesses our lives in some way. They may challenge us to do more and be more or perhaps they are living examples for us of what not to do.  We also need to consider that God may have placed us in their lives to help them be more and do more than they thought possible for themselves.

We should all strive to make every month a thankful one by establishing rituals that serve as a reminder of the importance of gratitude.  This is especially true for our children, who learn best through hands-on activities and tradition.  Each month, start a new ritual of conscious gratefulness appreciating the unique challenges and joys each month brings into your life.

Some practical ideas include:  

  • In December, make a paper chain or garland to put around the tree with things you are thankful for written on the inside of each link.  
  • In January, take a five-minute walk once a week to look for the beauty of creation.  Even in the darkness of winter we can find some gorgeous stars shining brightly.  
  • In February, use love to remember everyone in your life who has been an example of love for you to follow. I'm sure it will take all month to complete that list.  
  • In March, start a seed garden in your kitchen in paper cups to bring the beauty of creation into your house.  How lucky we are to have all that nature provides for us on a daily basis. 
  • April of course brings spring, a time to plant seeds of gratitude.  Create a gratitude garden where every plant/seed represents something or someone for whom you are grateful.  
  • May is filled with sunshine and warm breezes, the perfect month to remember all the things your mom, and the significant women in your life, have done to make you the person you are today. 
  • And June is the month to do the same with your dad and the significant men in your life.
  • As summer enfolds into July and August, family outings, trips to the beach and outdoor dining are great opportunities to celebrate all the intangible blessings in your life, like the freedoms many may take for granted.  
  • September and October bring a return to school and the Autumn season allows us to remember and thank all the teachers and mentors who have helped shape us as individuals.  

Of course, all these new traditions start with the foundation of God’s gift of life, unconditional love, and endless mercy – all of which we should give praise every day.

By Andrea Hoisl

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