Bishop Hines retired as Bishop of Norwich on June 17, 1975. Monsignor Daniel P. Reilly, Vicar General of the Diocese of Providence, R.I., was named Bishop.
August 6, 1975, Bishop Daniel P. Reilly was ordained Bishop and installed as Bishop of Norwich. He continued the work of Bishop Hines in the organization and establishment of ministry offices.
The Norwich Diocesan Council of Catholic Women’s annual membership collection started in parishes, with a major portion of the proceeds donated to Catholic Charities.
Parishes set up a Thanksgiving clothing collection, held yearly until 1986.
The diocese held the first of what would become the Annual Bishop’s Appeal to help finance its educational, spiritual and outreach ministries, including Catholic Charities.
Catholic Charities sponsored a settlement program for two Vietnam families who sought refuge as a result of the Vietnam War.
The Office of Family Life aligned with Catholic Charities and the office was renamed Catholic Charities-Catholic Family Services. Catholic Charities provided professional counseling services.
Catholic Charities and St. James Episcopal Church jointly opened the Covenant Shelter at 42 Jay St., first home to Catholic Charities in 1921.
Father Robert E. McNulty, who held a master’s degree in social work, was named Diocesan Director in 1984 and Monsignor Finnegan retired.
Catholic Charities held an annual meeting June 19 at the Ramada Inn, Norwich.
Sister Carla Hopkins, DHS, who had served as New London District Secretary since 1969, resigned to serve in Haiti. She began her mission to the poor, especially Spanish-speaking people, in 1969. She directed the evolution of the Catholic Charities office. Bishop Reilly presented her the Patrici-Anne Award, the highest Norwich Diocesan honor, for her exemplary dedication to the mission of Catholic Charities and her life as witness to the Gospel message of Jesus.
Mrs. Kathleen W. McGuire (photo, right) was appointed District Secretary.
By Jacqueline Keller
Retired Diocesan Director of Communications and Board Member of Norwich Diocesan Catholic Charities.