Saint Pius X Church Fair
Saturday, October 16 - 10 AM – 3 PM.
The Fair will feature our General Raffle as well as Arts and Crafts, Baked Goods, White Elephant, and Refreshments. It will also be the kickoff of the Church’s large prize raffle which will now be drawn on Saturday, December 4, 2021. Come join us for Fun and Fellowship as we Fall…Into the Holidays at the St. Pius X Church Fair, 310 Westfield St., Middletown. For more information, call 860-347-4441 during Friary Hours M – F 8:30 - 4:30.
Virtual Rosaries
Tuesdays, October 19, 26, at 3 PM
October is the month of the rosary. Join us virtually every Tuesday this month to say the rosary together. The third Tuesday will be dedicated to the Rachel Rosary to end abortion. To join the rosary go to: http://bit.ly/3mogX95, Meeting number 132 196 4253, Password: Mary
Virtual Scripture Seminar: Discipleship and the Gospel of St. Mark
Bible Study with Dr. Lisa M. Gulino
Wednesdays, October 20, 27, and November 3, 10, and 17, at 6:30- 8 PM
Dr. Gulino will guide participants through the pages of the Gospel of St. Mark. To register contact Marianne at 860-848-2237 ext. 304 or manicholas@norwichdiocese.net
Saint Joseph School Bike Run & Vendor Event 
Saturday, October 23
Take your motorcycle out for one more ride before the snow flies while supporting a great school. Live Music by the band “Broken Roads”
playing from 12 Noon– 3 PM. The run will start and end at the Sprague Rod & Gun Club. Pre-register for $25. Registration on the day of the run is $30. ALL RIDERS Contact Amy 860-931-4392 or Angela 860-460-7645 for pre-registration.
One-Day Retreat
Saturday, October 23- 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Men and women of all ages who have suffered the loss of a spouse due to Death, Divorce, or Separation are invited by Beginning Experience of Connecticut to attend. For those who just recently lost a spouse, but anyone is welcome. The event is being held at Christ Community Church, 7 South Street, Collinsville, CT. Reservations are required- contact Victoria A. 860-993-5469 or Info@BeginningExperiencect.org. BeginningExperienceCT.org
“Encountering Jesus in the Eucharist & Everyday Life”
Free Virtual Women’s Retreat via Zoom
Saturday, October 30 - 9am-3:30pm
The retreat will discuss encountering the true presence of Jesus in the Eucharist at Mass, Eucharistic adoration, and prayer, then explore encountering Jesus in everyday life. There will be an engaging talk on the Eucharist by Deacon John Hunt from the archdiocese of Boston. Participants can join in songs and discussions of personal experiences. Registration is limited to 50. You are asked to register by October 23, 2021. Register early to guarantee a spot at this event.
For questions and to register, please contact Elizabeth Percy at: tiggpercy@hotmail.com
Promote Your Parish or School Event
Around the Diocese Submissions
Your information should be typed into the body of an email. Please do not submit flyers. Please compose a paragraph containing the essential information about your event — what, when, where, and whom to contact. 175-word maximum. To ensure an announcement runs in a timely fashion, it is best to send your information at least 30 days prior to a scheduled event.