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ACA Needs You to Reach Goal

Posted on August 19, 2021 in: ACA

ACA Needs You to Reach Goal

As our 2021 Annual Catholic Appeal, “One Faith, One Family” continues to move closer to its goal, we want to thank each of our donors who have committed to support the more than 25 ministries and programs of the diocese that receive financial sustenance from the ACA. We know that many people continue to experience hardship due to the pandemic and some are still suffering the effects of COVID-19. Despite these challenges, many of our parishioners have made sacrifices while continuing to make generous donations to this year’s ACA.

We are happy to report we have received a total of $2,353,793 in gifts and pledges. Many of these pledges will be paid over time and completed by the close of 2021. With a goal of $2.7 million, we are approximately $346,000 shy of reaching it. Amazingly, the ACA has done this well with only 16.83% of our parishioners donating. While we understand that many people are still unable to give, we would ask those who have the means, but have not yet done so, to contact our office to make a gift or pledge. You may call our ACA Campaign Manager, Heather Harris, directly at (860) 886-1928 ext. 111 or go online to make your gift at NorwichDioceseDevelopment.org/annual-catholic-appeal. Please remember that even the smallest gifts do add up and if everyone participates with what they are able to give, we will reach our goal of assisting our diocesan ministries and programs to carry out their missions.

While our ACA supported programs and ministries work hard to be the hands, voice and heart of Christ every day, I know that each of you is also doing your part to live the life Jesus intends for us, doing big and small acts of kindness. Whether it be donating to the ACA, phoning a lonely friend, making a meal for a neighbor in need or praying for those who are feeling spiritually challenged, each of us can do our part to make our community better. Greater than any gift of money is the gift of each of you. We are so very thankful for your prayers and support.

I hope you enjoy some time for relaxation and family gatherings this summer. It is certainly wonderful to be with our friends and family again and we thank God for helping all of us to persevere with faith, hope and love during this past year.

By Mary Ellen Mahoney 


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    Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich
    201 Broadway
    Norwich, CT 06360-4328
    Phone: 860-887-9294