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Superintendent's Letter: Each of Us is Truly God's Work of Art

Posted on August 01, 2021 in: School News

Superintendent's Letter: Each of Us is Truly God's Work of Art

“The influence of a Catholic educator depends more on what he or she is as a person and the way he or she lives than what they say, and therefore need their own solid formation to prepare for giving witness to the faith.” Pope Francis


My Dear Friends,

I write to you humbled and with enormous gratitude that Bishop Cote has appointed me to the position of Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Norwich.  I have been a school administrator for over 30 years, in the state of CT, as well as a teacher of students with multiple disabilities, elementary classroom teacher of numerous grade levels, religious education teacher and presently, and for the past six years, as an adjunct professor at a Catholic College teaching several special education courses that are required for teacher certification in CT.

I truly believe in the servant leader philosophy of leadership and have for my entire career.  I am here to serve all, both young and mature. 

I am looking forward to meeting all the students and working collaboratively with all the schools’ faculties, staff, parents, guardians, administrators, and pastors in the coming school year, for each one of us is truly God’s work of art.

May God Bless You and Keep you Safe,

Dr. Gail Kingston
Superintendent of Schools

Diocesan School Office
(860) 887-4086

“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin."  Mother Teresa

Heaven's Special Child

A meeting was held quite far from earth.

"It's time again for another birth,"

Said the angels to the Lord above.

" This special child will need much love.

His progress may seem very slow.

Accomplishments he may not show

And he'll require extra care.

From the folks he meets way down there.

He may not run or laugh or play;

In many ways he won't adapt.

And he'll be known as handicapped.

So let's be careful where he's sent.

We want his life to be content.

Please, Lord, find parents who

Will do a special job for you.

They may not realize right away

The leading role they're asked to play.

But with this child sent from above.

Comes stronger faith and richer love.

And soon they'll know the privilege given

In caring for their gift from Heaven.

Their precious charge, so meek and mild,


By Edna Massionilla


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    Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich
    201 Broadway
    Norwich, CT 06360-4328
    Phone: 860-887-9294