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Election Novena - Closing Prayer & A Prayer for Civility

Posted on November 04, 2020 in: Civilize It

Election Novena - Closing Prayer & A Prayer for Civility

Bearing in mind our nation’s challenges and the need for wise, moral, civic leadership, the USCCB offered an electronic Election Novena to help Catholics form their consciences as they prepared for the 2020 election.

For nine consecutive days, Monday, October 26 through Tuesday, November 3, participants were encouraged to pray one Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be for the day’s intention. A closing prayer for elected leaders, offered on day 10, Wednesday, November 4, is below.  We also revisit a prayer we published last year at the beginning of the election season. 

Closing Prayer Intention- Day 10

May the leaders elected this week be guided by the Holy Spirit as they fulfill their positions. 

As part of the Civilize It program that we embarked on in July of 2019, we revisit the Prayer for Civility. Click the image below for a pdf of the prayer. And as always, please share using the buttons at the bottom of this article.

Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace: A Prayer for Civility

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.

Where uncivil words prevail, show me how to model love.

Help me remember the God-given dignity of all and invite others to do the same.

Show me how to build bridges and not walls and see first what unites us rather than how we diverge.

Let me seek to understand before asking to be understood.

Give me a listening heart filled with empathy and compassion.

May I be clear in sharing my own position and respectful and civil in describing those of others.

Let me never tolerate hateful ideas.

May I invite all to charity and love. Lord, help me to imitate your compassion and mercy.

Make me an instrument of your peace.


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