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Election Novena - Day 2

Posted on October 27, 2020 in: Civilize It

Election Novena  - Day 2

Bearing in mind our nation’s challenges and the need for wise, moral, civic leadership, the USCCB is offering an electronic Election Novena to help Catholics form their consciences as they prepare for the upcoming election.

For nine consecutive days, Monday, October 26 through Tuesday, November 3, participants will be encouraged to pray one Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be for the day’s intention. A closing prayer for elected leaders will be offered on day 10, Wednesday, November 4.

The 2020 Election Novena intentions will be posted Daily on the website as well as on the Diocesan Facebook page.

Monday, October 26

As we prepare for the national & local elections, in the midst of a global pandemic, may our political engagement be guided by our Catholic Faith.

Tuesday, October 27

In this month of the Holy Rosary, may Our Blessed Mother guide us in confronting racial inequalities and restoring peace in our communities. 

Wednesday, October 28

May all Americans recall the necessity of dialogue, civility, and humility in this election season. 

Thursday, October 29

May all people understand the moral and ethical dimensions of political decisions and decide accordingly. 

Friday, October 30

May voters & elected leaders uphold the dignity of every human life in their political engagement. 

Saturday, October 31

May Catholics recall all aspects of Catholic Social Teaching as they consider their votes. 

Sunday, November 1

May there be a transformation of politics to focus on the dignity of the human person and the common good. 

Monday, November 2

May we keep in mind the gift of religious freedom and our duty to defend and exercise it as faithful citizens. 

Tuesday, November 3

Today, as we approach the polls, may we understand & embrace the principles of our Faith that should guide our political engagement. 

Closing prayer for the elected leaders will be offered on Wednesday, November 4. 

Participants can find the daily novena intentions online, sign up to receive them via email, and download social media graphics for each day’s intention at

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    Phone: 860-887-9294