Norwich Rosary Rally
2 p.m. Friday, October 30th
Please join our Norwich 40 Days For Life Team as we welcome Steve Karlen, the national campaign director for a peaceful Rosary Rally at 2 PM Friday, October 30th at the Planned Parenthood facility, 12 Case St. Norwich.
Steve will first share the story of this groundbreaking effort, started by young people that named it - 40 DAYS FOR LIFE. And then we will all pray The Holy Rosary for more mothers to choose Life, the end to the taking of innocent lives and the closing of this shameful abortion center’s doors for good, here in our Sacred Diocese.
We are tremendously pleased that Steve will be here to support our 40 Days for Life Vigil, and we know he will be an inspiration. Steve is currently traveling throughout the United States and Canada to support local 40 Days for Life efforts.
He previously led local 40 Days for Life campaigns in Madison, Wisconsin. In 2009 and 2010, he helped lead a volunteer effort that was organized to prevent the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics from opening up a late-term abortion center near the campus in Madison. After a grueling 16-month campaign, the university health system cancelled its abortion plans, later citing the work of Karlen and his team as the reason for making that decision.
Father Brian Maxwell