The Diocese of Norwich is committed to providing support and outreach to all victims of sexual abuse committed by personnel of the Diocese. In our victim assistance program, we provide outreach and support to such victims of abuse who contact us.
The filing of bankruptcy by the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) has once again provided a painful reminder of the crime of sexual abuse of minors. Since the Boy Scouts have had connections to certain parishes over the years, the BSA has asked us to assist them in notifying potential claimants about the bankruptcy. In an effort to support sexual abuse survivors, we are providing the following information for the benefit of anyone who might have a claim against the BSA.
Do you have a claim? Anyone who was sexually abused during their time in Scouting, on or before February 18, 2020, must file a claim to have rights in the bankruptcy action. This includes sexual abuse in connection with Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, or any entity or activity associated with Scouting. For purposes of the bankruptcy, Sexual Abuse Claims include, but are not limited to: sexual misconduct, exploitation, or touching, sexual comments about a person or other behaviors that led to abuse, even if the behavior was not sexual or against the law, and regardless of whether you thought the behavior was sexual abuse or not. These acts could be between a: (1) child and an adult, or (2) child and another child.
What do you need to do? You should file a claim using the Sexual Abuse Survivor Proof of Claim by November 16, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time). If you do not file a timely Sexual Abuse Claim, you may lose rights against BSA, BSA Local Councils or organizations that sponsored your troop or pack, including any right to compensation.
Your information will be kept private. You can download and file a claim at or call 1-866-907-2721 for help on how to file a claim by mail. Scouting participants who were at least 18 years of age at the time the sexual abuse began may also have claims related to sexual abuse and should consult the appropriate claim form at
Should you require it, more detail on the case can be found in In re Boy Scouts of America and Delaware BSA, LLC, No. 20-10343 (Bankr. D. Del.) or visit or call 1-866-907-2721.