While we face uncertainty in some aspects of our lives, all of us can take strength and hope from our faith. We believe that God is always with us and will never forsake us. We can also find great comfort in knowing we are all in this together, each of us helping our family, friends and neighbors as best we can, as “One Faith, One Family.”
Members of our diocese working as doctors, nurses, first responders, delivery drivers, grocery workers and pharmacists have labored tirelessly in so many ways, caring for those in need. In addition, our donors have really stepped up, providing muchneeded supplies to our soup kitchens and making pledges and gifts to the Annual Catholic Appeal, which supports our diocesan ministries. Recently, we conducted our postponed 2020 ACA in-pew collection. While the numbers of people attending Mass are still not large, we truly appreciate every donation.
With such increased demand for food, social services and spiritual guidance, please know how important every dollar of our ACA collection is to help people cope with the many stressors caused by the pandemic. We thank our priests and religious for reaching out to us through video Mass, personal phone consultation and through prayer to lift us all up and help us to keep our faith strong.
During the course of the pandemic I was able to visit both our soup kitchens, St. Vincent de Paul Place, Norwich and St. Vincent de Paul, Middletown and found it extremely heartening to see so many people in need receiving help. I also visited Catholic Charities in New London and Willimantic and spoke with clients who literally could not have survived if it were not for the help they received from Catholic Charities over the past six months.
So many agencies were closed and unable to help people, but our ministries remained functioning. Thanks to one of my meetings with a homeless man who is being found an apartment by Catholic Charities, I was able to make a personal connection and with the help of my husband, deliver furnishings, kitchen items and bedding to a member of our diocesan family trying to get back on his feet. These encounters are truly priceless.
Please know how much those of us working at the Development Office appreciate each of your sacrifices. Thank you for doing your part to help us get through this pandemic together. We pray that each of you stays well and finds continued strength from Our Lord.
If you would like to donate to the 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal, “One Faith, One Family” please go online to NorwichDioceseDevelopment.org or call our Campaign Manager, Heather Harris at 860-886-1928, ext. 111 to make your pledge or gift. Thank you.
By Mary Ellen Mahoney, Executive Director, Office of Development