There has been a lot of attention to human injustice in our news as of late. But regarding the respect and protection of the most vulnerable, the unborn babies in mother’s wombs, little is being reported or broadcast. Abortion continues to be the most significant human rights violation of our time. And we are never going to give up, until this changes, as we pray and witness against the taking of innocent human lives.
The 40 Days For Life Campaign this year runs from Wednesday, September 23rd through Sunday, November 1st. We commence the campaign with a Pro-Life Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Tuesday, September 22, at 7 PM.
More than ever, we invite you to join us in praying at our Peaceful Prayer Vigil at the Planned Parenthood facility at 12 Case St. in Norwich during these 40 days. As the Vigil is held OUTSIDE on the sidewalk, this makes for a safe-environment and we encourage the use of masks and social distancing when near or passing others.
Look for parish announcements in the coming weeks for your parish’s adopted day and sign-up, or call or email your parish office and ask to get in touch with your parish’s Pro-Life representative. You may also express your interest in helping organize your parish’s participation. Follow us on our website - NorwichDiocese.org/40daysforlife
Our prayerful presence shows our compassion toward those who may find themselves in a stressful situation. It’s all about Praying for the Changing of Hearts and Minds - that Mothers will choose LIFE! Together, we can stand-up and pray for our world - where the beauty, dignity, and sanctity of every human life is valued and protected!
By Father Brian Maxwell