Norwich- Today the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich, announced that due to the success and positive feedback received regarding the public celebration of weekday masses, parishes of the Diocese of Norwich may resume the public celebration of Sunday Mass beginning the weekend of July 4 and 5.
The limitation on gatherings for religious worship, as amended by Executive Order No. 7SS of Governor Lamont, remains in effect. By this order, indoor gatherings are limited to 25% of capacity of the indoor space or a maximum of 100 people, whichever is smaller. These limits presume strict adherence to social distancing guidelines which require six (6) feet of distance between individuals and households. Therefore, given the size and layout of different churches, the physical capacity for a particular building may, in reality, be lower than the stated numerical limits.
Sunday Obligation Remains Dispensed
The obligation to attend Sunday Mass will remain dispensed for all the faithful in the Diocese of Norwich until further notice.
• Because space is limited, parishioners who are able to attend a Weekday Mass are encouraged, out of charity for their neighbor, to consider doing so in lieu of a Sunday Mass.
• Parishes are being encouraged to continue with live-streaming liturgies for those faithful who cannot or may not feel comfortable attending in person.
• The elderly, those in vulnerable populations or with underlying health conditions, and those experiencing any symptoms of illness are asked to follow the most up to date health regulations and guidelines and remain home.
All parishioners are asked to consult their local parish websites, bulletins, and social media or call their parish office for the most up-to-date information.