FCC News Desk
The initial resumption of public worship at parishes in the Diocese of Norwich will be weekday ONLY Masses beginning on Monday, June 8th.
Weekend Masses continue to be live streamed online until further notice.
Broadcast and Streaming Mass Schedule:

Masses from Saint Bernard Church in Rockville are streamed daily, and can be viewed on the above page. Times are listed there.
Sunday morning Masses from the Cathedral of Saint Patrick are broadcast on the radio, from local radio station WICH 1310 AM. Also, daily televised Masses from the Archdiocese of Harford and EWTN are available for internet viewing live or on demand. Information on how to access them is on the page.
Also, there’s a page for spiritual communion resources while Masses in the diocese are temporarily suspended. It outlines the steps Catholics can take, including at least one of four devotions, plus an act of spiritual communion.
That page includes links to the Rosary, Stations of the Cross and to a schedule of Masses that are broadcast on TV, radio and online.
The Office of Communications also delivers a weekly e-mail newsletter with news and information you can use. It’s free, and comes to your inbox every Thursday.
As we navigate these uncertain times together, we can be comforted knowing these tools are available to keep us united in faith.