WOW! Where to begin? With the gift of the Holy Spirit, Laudato Si’ Week was incredible. Amazing. Outstanding. Beyond everyone’s wildest dreams.
Here’s what we accomplished–together:
- Hundreds of thousands of Catholics on six continents praying, reflecting, and preparing a better world together
- Hundreds of Catholic institutions big and small hosting events and organizing change for the long term
- Inspiring, visionary leadership by Pope Francis, who mentioned Laudato Si’ Week during his Angelus and encouraged his followers to take part throughout the week by posting about #LaudatoSi5 on social media.
Those are only the top-level details, too. Thanks to the Holy Spirit, so much more happened in thousands of communities all around the world. During Laudato Si’ Week, we’ve prayed, reflected, and prepared. Now, we take action.
Join Catholics everywhere for the next step in this amazing journey: The Season of Creation is the annual celebration of prayer and action for our common home. Pope Francis has invited us all to take part.
The Season of Creation is the next moment in the Laudato Si’ anniversary year that the Vatican just announced. It’s the next time for us to come together as one global Catholic community to put the Laudato Si’ vision into practice.
Five years ago, Pope Francis published Laudato Si’ and showed us with astonishing clarity that “everything is connected.” We’re so grateful to be connected with you as we build a better world together.
Thank you. Thank you for participating in Laudato Si’ Week and for being part of this movement.