This week two global webinars connected thousands of people with concrete ways to take action. Cardinal Peter Turkson helped us understand that creation is a “great act of God” and that everything we do for the Earth must “give glory to God.” Yeb Saño, climate activist and executive director of Greenpeace Southeast Asia, inspired us to act by reminding us that the “Church is uniquely positioned to lead.”
The vision of the Church as a leader in caring for our common home is becoming reality, and it is changing lives. From Rome, Daniela Finamore shared that “42 faith institutions from 14 countries have chosen to divest from fossil fuels. This is the largest-ever joint announcement of divestment from faith institutions.” Read more about this story in The New York Times. She invited all institutions to prayerfully consider taking part in the next divestment announcement during the Season of Creation in the fall.
In Pakistan, Church leaders offered “a spirit of love” by planting trees in a Laudato Si’ garden. International Forum Catholic Action members in 20 countries from Argentina to Romania to the Philippines united online to pray and reflect on how they can use Laudato Si’ to create a more hopeful tomorrow.
So much more is happening all over the world, and the momentum continues to grow. Thank you for joining the global Church as we honor Laudato Si’ Week.
P.S. If you’ve missed any of the webinars, you’re invited to watch them on our YouTube channel.
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