The Connecticut March for Life
is NOW
"CT-Login for Life"

This webinar event will feature:
State level presenters discussing current pro-life issues in Connecticut
Information on lobbying your elected officials
Time for questions by participants
The webinar will last one hour. If you have a computer or tablet you have all that is needed to participate. You can also dial in by phone to listen to the presentations. Please join us for this first ever pro-life event of its kind in Connecticut.
The program is being moderated by Tom McClusky, Vice-President of Governmental Affairs, from the National office of the March for Life in Washington, D.C. The format of the program has been designed by the National March for Life and is called
"Hartford 101: Login to Lobby for Life"
Panel Members:
Tom McClusky, Vice-President of Governmental Affairs, National March for Life
Peter Wolfgang, Executive Director, Family Institute of Connecticut
Lisa Maloney, President, Connecticut Pregnancy Care Coalition and Director of the Carenet Pregnancy Resource Center in New London
Cathy Ludlum, Second Thoughts CT, disability organization opposed to Physician-Assisted Suicide