The General Assembly's Human Services Committee will be holding a public hearing on providing Planned Parenthood millions of dollars in new state funding
**Public Hearing on March 5, 2020** Please plan to attend if you can
Dear Catholic Legislative Network Member,
Please act now to help stop Planned Parenthood of Southern New England (PPSNE) from receiving $2.1 millions in new state funding. The Human Services Committee will be holding a public hearing on SB 274 "An Act Concerning Funding for Planned Parenthood and Other Family Planning Clinics" on Thursday, March 5th, at noon in Room 2A of the Legislative Office Building.
The Governor has included $1.2 million for PPSNE in his proposed budget. The purpose of the funding is to make-up for federal Title X family planning funding which PPSNE has chosen not to accept due to new federal regulations. The new federal regulations relating to the Title X, and any recipients who provide or refer for abortion services, more clearly reflect Title X restrictions that were part of the original law creating the Title X program.
PPSNE has chosen not to comply with the new regulations and is now turning to state taxpayers to make up the funding. Please read the testimony and background information the CT Catholic Public Affairs Conference presented to the Appropriations Committee relating to the Governor's proposal. This document contains a large amount of information on the financial strength of PPSNE which brings into doubt their true financial need.
Additionally, the question cannot help but be raised as to why the many Connecticut taxpayers who morally oppose abortion should be made to help fund the largest abortion provider in the state. In 2018, state taxpayers, through the HUSKY program, paid $4.2 million for 6,995 abortions. The majority of these funds went to PPSNE.
Should taxpayers of our state have to provide even more funding for abortions? Is it fair to show such preferential treatment to one nonprofit provider in our state? Help us stop the movement to fund Planned Parenthood.
1) Please act now and send an email to the members of the Human Services Committee and urge the members to oppose SB 274.
Be sure to edit the email with your personal comments, but please keep it short to insure it will be read.
2) Plan to attend the public hearing to show your opposition. Stickers will be provided to those in attendance so the committee members will be aware that there are people who oppose this legislation.