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Saint Bernard Theology Teacher is Ryken Award Winner

Posted on February 06, 2020 in: School News

Saint Bernard Theology Teacher is Ryken Award Winner

The 2019 Ryken Award was presented to Mr. Paul Servideo, a theology teacher in his second year at Saint Bernard School, following a school Mass on December 9th.

"Mr. Servideo has won our admiration in the quiet unassuming manner reminiscent of XBSS founder Theodore James Ryken, and he is most deserving of this honor bestowed upon him by his colleagues," Headmaster Don Macrino said.

The Ryken Award is given annually on the feast of St. Francis Xavier at each of the 13 Xaverian Brothers Sponsored Schools. The award recognizes an adult member of the school community for his or her commitment to the mission of Saint Bernard School and dedication to the values of the Xaverian Brothers.

Each year the recipient is nominated by his or her peers and approved by the administration. Mr. Servideo began working at SBS in January of 2017, but in that short time he made evident in his daily work and involvement in so many school activities his love for the Saint Bernard School community.

Being nominated by his peers for the Ryken award is the most humbling part of the experience, Mr. Servideo said.

“I rely so much on my fellow teachers, the staff, and administration every day. I love working with everyone who is part of this community. There is a real sense that everybody here truly cares for everyone else,” he said. “I am deeply grateful for this honor, the kind words that Mr. Macrino said about me during the ceremony and the support of my colleagues.”

Mr. Servideo graduated from Saint Anselm College, where he studied philosophy and politics. He and his wife, Adrienne (a Saint Bernard alumna), have three young daughters. He is a devoted Catholic who “uses his role as a theology teacher to spread the Gospels of Jesus Christ and to encourage the young men and women of Saint Bernards to consider the spiritual aspect of their lives,” Mr. Macrino said.

- By Shari L. Marderness

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