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Superintendent's Letter: Teaching is Truly a Vocation in Our Schools

Posted on January 30, 2020 in: School News

Superintendent's Letter: Teaching is Truly a Vocation in Our Schools

My Dear Friends,

On a personal level, this January is special to me, as I experience 2 milestones: my 40th year in the field of education, and my 25th year in Catholic school administration.

God has truly blessed me every step of the way and it is my pleasure to serve the Diocese of Norwich in our very important mission of providing a solid academic education in an atmosphere of faith and in the service of the Gospel of Our Lord, Jesus.

The National Catholic Education Association has deemed January 27- February 2 as the traditional Catholic Schools Week. In our diocese, this is the week in which our schools begin to have their Open Houses for the upcoming year. Personal tours are also available if scheduled. I invite you to visit our schools and consider the option of Catholic education. You will see firsthand how the Holy Spirit is alive and well in the Catholic schools of the Diocese of Norwich.

According to an article from the National Catholic Reporter, (Carol Glatz March 2015), Pope Francis, in addressing members of an Italian association of Catholic teachers, educators and school administrators in the Vatican, indicated that in a world where it is already difficult for children to find a decent point of reference, they must find positive guidance from teachers, who "are able to give meaning to school, studying and culture, without reducing it all just to passing on practical knowledge.”

"You have to teach not just about a subject, but also life's values and habits" because when it comes to learning about a subject, "a computer is sufficient, but to understand how to love, to understand what the values and habits are that create harmony in the world, you need a good teacher," Pope Francis said.

In recalling his own experience as a teacher, he explained that teaching "is a really beautiful job" because it lets educators see their students "grow day after day."

The “job” he refers to is truly a vocation and a ministry in the schools of the Diocese of Norwich, and I would like to publicly acknowledge and thank each and every employee of our schools, who give of themselves daily and truly model the faith which we espouse.

God Bless!

Henry Fiore, Jr.
Superintendent of Schools

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    Norwich, CT 06360-4328
    Phone: 860-887-9294