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Show the Movie UNPLANNED in Your Church!

Posted on September 23, 2019 in: 40DaysForLife, ProLife

Show the Movie UNPLANNED in Your Church!

All Abby Johnson ever wanted to do was help women.

As one of the youngest Planned Parenthood clinic directors in the nation, she believed in a women's right to choose. Until the day she saw something that changed everything!


That’s why the Norwich 40 Days For Life Team is offering you a Free DVD to host a movie night in your church to get the message out.
There is a small licensing fee that your church, benefactor, or a free-will offering could cover.
Click here to obtain the license to show the movie in your church and then call (860) 875-5770 or email us at 40daysnorwich@gmail.com to obtain your Free DVD.



Why should Parishes and Churches consider viewing the movie Unplanned, the biography of Abby Johnson’s life?                    
Why watch a film about abortion, a subject both controversial and even gruesome?

Because it just might be eye-opening ! And change hearts. It should encourage one to get involved in the Pro-Life Movement and stand up for what’s right and against what’s not. And join-in on the 40 Day For Life Campaign.

Unplanned is helping to break down our society’s denial about the true nature of abortion. More and more people are coming to recognize the violent nature of the procedure. Furthermore, because it depicts one woman’s personal journey from such denial to acceptance of the truth, it gives moviegoers permission to change their own points of view.

Unplanned, tells the story of Abby Johnson’s transformation from abortion clinic director to pro-life activist. The film shows how her eyes were opened to the reality of abortion, while also exposing the inner workings of Planned Parenthood.

In Unplanned, Abby Johnson rises quickly in the Planned Parenthood organization, going from volunteer to youngest clinic director in the nation. Believing that its mission is noble and compassionate, she convinces herself that she is serving other women and has both surgical and chemical abortions while still in college. Even though the latter was a terrible experience for her, when counseling other women who are considering the procedure, she repeats the lies she was told before her own abortions.

When informed by superiors that her clinic has a quota to double the number of abortions it performs in a year, Abby begins to doubt the organization’s true mission. When she points out that they should serve women and reduce abortion rather than seek financial profit — the organization’s goals as initially pitched to Abby — her supervisors reprimand her for not understanding the primary function of Planned Parenthood: the business of abortion. Finally, when she assists in a suction abortion and views the fetus struggling against the aspirator, something clicks. As she breaks down, she begins to acknowledge the pain and grief from her own abortions and joins with those who oppose abortion. Unplanned received an R rating for disturbing/bloody images and is an emotional movie, yet it is the best movie yet to realistically show what happens to babies in the womb, to the vulnerable and impressionable women undergoing these horrific procedures, and to the workers within the clinics.

We need to Pray to end this ! That’s why the Norwich 40 Days For Life Team is offering you the DVD to offer a Movie Night in your parish and Church to get the message out. There is a $99 licensing fee that your church, a benefactor, or a free-will offering could help cover.

For further information and to plan a showing in your parish or church, contact our team at  (860) 875-5770 or 40DaysNorwich@gmail.com


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    Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich
    201 Broadway
    Norwich, CT 06360-4328
    Phone: 860-887-9294