A Parish Mission led by the Sisters of Life will take place at the
Cathedral of Saint Patrick next Wednesday, April 2nd at 6:30 PM.
ALL are invited to this Lenten Evening of Hope and Mercy -- come and encounter Him!
WHAT WILL THE EVENING ENTAIL? A Lenten reflection offered by Sr. Antoniana Maria will be followed by time of Adoration with music led by the Sisters of Life. Priests from around the diocese will be available for confession. A social gathering in the parish hall will follow Benediction.
WHO WILL BE LEADING THE MISSION? Sr. Antoniana Maria, SV is originally from North Vancouver, British Columbia, where she studied at the University of British Columbia receiving her Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science. She entered the Sisters of Life in 2002 after hearing God call her to love Him with an undivided heart at World Youth Day in 2000. She professed her Perpetual Vows in 2010. Sister has served in a variety of missions, most recently she was stationed at the Order’s house of study and contemplation in Washington DC. She moved to Stamford CT this summer and is serving at Villa Maria Guadalupe Retreat House. Sister Antoniana will be joined by seven other Sisters from Villa. We are excited to welcome Sr. Antoniana Maria, Sr. Mercy Marie, Sr. Josephine Rose, Sr. Maria Laetitia, Sr. Eden Marie, Sr. Isabel Fiat, Sr. Gemma Therese, and Sr. Eve-Mary to Norwich.
WHY COME TO THE LENTEN MISSION? During Lent we are called into the desert by a God who wants to speak to us, more particularly, to our hearts. Biblically, the desert or wilderness is a place of encounter, repentance and growth and the Church, in Her wisdom, offers us this season for exactly those movements. 'Led by the Spirit' we go into the desert of Lent, each of us individually but also all of us collectively. And just as Our Lord was sustained in the desert by His communion with the Father, we are held and supported in our desert journey by our communion with each other as a parish/diocesan community. The Lenten Mission offers a time to experience prayer, sacrament and reflection in communion but apart from the Mass. The hope for the Cathedral's night of Mission is simply to offer a time and space for an encounter with the Lord so that we may find Him in the desert and respond to His love. ALL are invited and most welcome!