Amidst historic state abortion battles, area residents gather on September 14 to mourn abortion’s unborn victims on seventh annual Day of Remembrance
As the fate of Roe v. Wade hangs in the balance, state legislatures across the country have passed some of the most extreme abortion bills ever seen. While states like New York and Illinois have swept away abortion restrictions, other states like Ohio and Alabama have passed abortion bans that could provoke the overturning of Roe.
But on Saturday, September 14, at 8:00 a.m. local residents will gather to remind the community that abortion is not just a political issue. They will be marking the seventh annual National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children with a Mass and a Gravesite Prayer Service at Holy Apostles College & Seminary located at 33 Prospect Hill Road, Cromwell, Connecticut.
“Too often, abortion is merely seen as a political issue or a matter of personal choice, but abortion has real victims: the 60 million American children who have lost their lives to abortion since 1973,” said Dr. Elizabeth Rex, one of the organizers of the Day of Remembrance in Cromwell. “In fact, you may be surprised to learn that one of those unborn victims has been buried right here in Cromwell.” Rex explained that the 10-week old baby boy, who has been named Adam, was aborted in 1990 and was finally laid to rest on October 27, 2002 on the campus of Holy Apostles.
Rex commented, “Visiting the graves of aborted children really puts these legislative battles into perspective. These tiny children were never allowed to be born. Perhaps Adam’s mother felt she had no choice but abortion because she was being threatened or coerced. She needed real help.”
Of the 60 million victims of abortion since Roe v. Wade was handed down in 1973, only a tiny fraction have received a proper burial, at gravesites scattered throughout the country. But all of the unborn victims of abortion will be mourned on September 14 during memorial services at those gravesites and dozens of other memorial markers set up in their honor.
The Day of Remembrance is being organized by three national pro-life groups—Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, Priests for Life and the Pro-Life Action League—to humanize the unborn victims of abortion by raising awareness of their burial places. The bodies of tens of thousands of aborted children have been retrieved from trash bins, landfills and other locations and buried at more than 50 gravesites across the country.
At, visitors can learn the stories of how many of these children were killed, how they were found, and the details of their burial. The website also lists hundreds of memorial sites dedicated to the victims of abortion throughout the United States.
The first annual National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children was held in September 2013 to mark the 25th anniversary of the burial of several hundred abortion victims in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Memorial services were held at 38 burial places of abortion victims nationwide, as well as scores of other memorial sites dedicated to these children. The Day of Remembrance is now held annually on the second Saturday in September.