Posted on September 10, 2019 in: Norwich Diocesan Council of Catholic Women
All women in the diocese are invited to attend the Annual NDCCW Convention on Saturday, October 19, at St. John the Evangelist Parish, 22 Maple Avenue, Montville.
Sign-in and refreshments begin at 9am then a brief business meeting followed by the keynote speaker, Donna Marie Cooper O’Boyle. She will speak about St. Faustina. Donna Marie is an award winning author and journalist, speaker and an EWTN TV host and creator of Everyday Blessings for Catholic Moms, Catholic Mom’s Café and her newest series Feeding Your Family’s Soul.
Most Reverend Michael Cote, Bishop of Norwich will be the main celebrant of the noon Mass.
The second speaker is Andrea Hoisl, Director of the Office of Faith Events for the Diocese of Norwich. Her topic will be about One Heart Ministry, a partnership on disability. Andrea has a BA in Religious Studies from Salve Regina University and a MA in Education from the University of St. Joseph. She came to the Office of Faith Events after 30 years as a catholic educator and director of campus Ministry at Xavier High School.
Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich 201 Broadway Norwich, CT 06360-4328 Phone: 860-887-9294