By Ryan Blessing
Teachers both past and present within the diocese were honored Sunday, September 8, with a special Mass for Educators at the Cathedral of St. Patrick in Norwich.
The 24th annual educators' Mass, celebrated by the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich, also marked an observance of the 18th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States.
"Let us rededicate ourselves to our mission as parents, teachers, administrators and support staff in education, confirming and strengthening each other's efforts in our common commitment and shared ministry," the Bishop said in the rededication ceremony.
"I thank you for your dedication and generosity to God who is the Teacher of teachers," he said before leading the Prayer for Those Who Work in Education.
The Reverend Peter J. Langevin, Chancellor of the Diocese of Norwich, was the homilist.
Mass Committee member Anna Alfiero carried the Memorial Book, which bears the names of deceased educators and support staff remembered during the Mass. Since the year 2000, the Mass Committee has remembered those of all faiths who have passed away.
Committee member Frank Jacaruso carried the banner, which symbolizes the spectrum of life to which educators are called to minister. It is the 20th anniversary of the use of the processional banner.
Yvette Jacaruso and granddaughter Sophia Hamel, a student at the Cathedral of St. Patrick, sang the Communion Hymn.