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Beauty and Dignity: The 2025 Pastoral on Life

Posted on January 19, 2025 in: ProLife

Beauty and Dignity: The 2025 Pastoral on Life

The 52nd annual March For Life will be held in Washington D.C. on January 24, 2025.  This year's theme reflects the deeply held belief that every life matters: "Life: Why We March."  According to the march organizers the theme will encourage pro-life advocates to "draw renewed energy for this challenging moment in the movement by reflecting on the basic truth that inspires the pro-life cause: every human life - including the unborn and their mothers is beautiful, has unique dignity, and is worthy of protection."

            The Dignity of the human person is the core of Catholic social teaching.  This principle is lived out in the Catholic church which teaches that human life has dignity and worth from the moment of conception to natural death. The catechism of the Catholic church states in #1700: "The dignity of the human person is rooted in his creation in the image and likeness of God; it is fulfilled in his vocation to divine beatitude."  Pope Francis emphasized this teaching in an address marking the 25th anniversary of Pope John Paul II's encyclical "The Gospel of Life."  In his remarks he noted: "Every human life unique and unrepeatable, valuable in and of itself, constitutes an inestimable worth.  This must be announced ever anew with the courage of words and the courage of action.  This calls for solidarity and love for the great human family, and for each one of its members."  He continues, "The life that we are called to protect and defend is not an abstract concept, but is always manifested in a flesh and blood person: the newly conceived child, a poor marginalized person, a sick person suffering from discouragement or a terminal illness, a person who has lost their job and cannot find work, a refugee or ghettoized migrant....life manifest itself concretely in people."

            "Life: Why We March" is a clarion call to be witnesses of hope.  Not only are there threats against human life in its beginning, we are facing today increased threats at life's end.  Samaritans bonus (The Good Samaritan) is a recently published letter from the Vatican with the approval of Pope Francis.  It reaffirms church opposition to any form of euthanasia and assisted suicide and advocates support for families and healthcare workers.  "To cure if possible, always to care."  These words of Pope John Paul II should resonate with all who work in medicine.  True compassion the letter states. "consists not in causing death," but instead creating an environment where the individual suffering feels welcome and loved.

            Today and every day we must be living witnesses of the beauty and dignity of human life.  "Life: Why We March" is a clarion call to accompany mothers in need, the poor, the disabled, the sick and the lonely.  Together we can offer hope and healing to a hurting world!

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    Norwich, CT 06360-4328
    Phone: 860-887-9294