The children of Saint Patrick Cathedral School in Norwich were all smiles on the morning of September 30th, when they attended the blessing and dedication of the school's new playground.
Archbishop Christopher J. Coyne, Apostolic Administrator for the diocese, took delight in blessing the new playground, which was installed over a period of several weeks. The playground area received a complete makeover, with new slides and climbing equipment, a new mulch bed surrounding it and new picnic tables.
Attending with the archbishop were Rev. Msgr. Anthony S. Rosaforte, Rector of the Cathedral of Saint Patrick; Rev. Peter J. Langevin, chancellor of the Diocese of Norwich; Rev. Brian Romanowski, vice chancellor; Rev. Julio Cuervo-Lozada, parochial vicar, Cathedral of St. Patrick; Diocese of Norwich Superintendent of Schools Dr. Gail Kingston and Saint Patrick Cathedral School Principal Sharon Stewart.
After the blessing with holy water by the archbishop, the children gleefully took to the playground for photos and to explore the new equipment, soaking in the sunlight and the fresh air.