Homilist, Rev. Brian Maxwell delivers an inspiring message at the September 24th vigil Mass to kick off the 40 Days for Life campaign in the Diocese of Norwich.

This year, the 40 DAYS FOR LIFE campaign runs from Wednesday, September 25th through Sunday, November 3rd. It is hoped that you will join pro-life people of all faiths by praying, fasting, and signing up to attend the 40 DAYS FOR LIFE peaceful prayer vigil held outside Planned Parenthood, 12 Case St., Norwich.
Never done it before? There’s nothing to be afraid of. It’s not a protest. Here’s what to expect. We recommend parking at Friendly’s, 105 West Town St. in Norwich. They gave us permission to park there, and it’s a nice treat to enjoy lunch or ice cream after praying with family and friends.
For a point of reference, Friendly’s and Case Street are best reached by Exit 14 on Rt. 395, the first exit north of Route 2. After parking, walk a few hundred yards on West Town Street make a right onto Case Street, walk up another hundred yards, and cross the street to the sidewalk between the two entrances of Planned Parenthood.
We witness life by our presence outside the facility. If you wish you can hold a sign that your parish pro-life representative will provide that reads “Praying for an end to abortion.”
We pray –– to change mothers’ hearts that might be arriving to consider ending their pregnancy; for an end to abortion; that this Planned Parenthood facility will soon close.
We pray during daylight hours. This is a peaceful, prayerful program exercising our Constitutional freedom, to stand up for the innocent, praying for the Sanctity and Right to Life.
How do I sign up?
Most parishes ‘Adopt-A-Day’. Contact your parish and find out who your pro-life representative is.
Sign up at church or go to 40DaysForLife.com/Norwich.
Another great option is to sign up for the free diocesan weekly newsletter at Norwichdiocese.org/Newsletter. There you’ll be kept abreast of 40 DAYS FOR LIFE activity, as well as many upcoming diocesan events and happenings.
For further help about how to become involved, please contact the Norwich 40 Days For Life Team at (860) 377-4310 or 40DaysNorwich@gmail.com Thank you and may God bless you, your family and your future children and grandchildren. Amen.

Our Lady of Lourdes - Sacred Heart - St. Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Tri-Parish Community parishioner Mary Sedensky Prays for Life on the Planned Parenthood’s sidewalk during the first day of our 40 Days For Life Campaign.

Franciscan Friar of the Immaculate Fr. Jose Maria and postulants also were out praying for an end to abortion.