July 1, 2024
The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D. D., Bishop of Norwich, has made the following clergy and diocesan appointments in the Diocese of Norwich
Reverend Henry Agudelo, from Parochial Vicar, Saint Brendan the Navigator Parish-Saint Joseph Church and Saint Mary Star of the Sea Church, New London, Saint Paul Church, Waterford, and Our Lady of Grace Church, Fishers Island, to Parochial Vicar, Saint Mary Parish, Clinton.
Reverend Lawrence J. Barile, from Parochial Vicar, Blessed Sacrament Parish, St. Bernard Church, Rockville and Saint Matthew Church, Tolland and Saint Maurice Church, Bolton, to Parochial Vicar, Saint Therese of Lisieux Parish-Saint Mary Church, Putnam, Most Holy Trinity Church, Pomfret, Saint Stephen Church, Quinebaug, and St. Joseph Church, North Grosvenordale.
Reverend Michael Bovino, from Parochial Vicar, Cathedral of Saint Patrick, Norwich, to Parochial Vicar, Saint Pio Parish- Saint John Church, Old Saybrook and Saint Mark Church, Westbrook.
Reverend Richard Breton, from Parochial Vicar, Guardian Angels Parish-Saint Andrew Church, Colchester, and Saint Francis of Assisi Church, Lebanon, to Parochial Vicar, Good Shepherd Parish-St. Columba Church, Columbia, Church of the Holy Family, Hebron, and Saint Maurice Church, Bolton.
Reverend George Busto, from Parochial Vicar, St. Therese of Lisieux Parish- Saint Mary Church, Putnam, Most Holy Trinity Church, Pomfret, Saint Stephen Church, Quinebaug, and St. Joseph Church, North Grosvenordale, to Parochial Vicar, Guardian Angels Parish-Saint Andrew Church, Colchester, and Saint Francis of Assisi Church, Lebanon.
Reverend Julian Cuervo-Lozada, newly ordained, to Parochial Vicar, Cathedral of Saint Patrick, Norwich.
Reverend Eric Hosmer, newly ordained, to Parochial Vicar, St. Brendan the Navigator Parish- Saint Brendan the Navigator Parish-Saint Joseph Church and Saint Mary Star of the Sea Church, New London, Saint Paul Church, Waterford, and Our Lady of Grace Church, Fishers Island.
Reverend Martin Noe, from Parochial Vicar, Saint Pio Parish-Saint John Church, Old Saybrook and Saint Mark Church, Westbrook, to Parochial Vicar, St. John Paul II Parish-St. Patrick Church, East Hampton, and St. Bridget Church, Moodus.
Reverend Juan Aguirre Palacio, from Parochial Vicar, Saint Mary Church, Clinton, to Parochial Vicar, Saint Sebastian Church and Saint John Church, Middletown.
Reverend Alexander Pandolfe, newly ordained, to Parochial Vicar, Blessed Sacrament Parish-St. Bernard Church, Rockville and Saint Matthew Church, Tolland.
Reverend Michael Phillippino, from Pastor, Good Shepherd Parish-St. Columba Church, Columbia, and Church of the Holy Family, Hebron, to Administrator, Saint Maurice Parish, Bolton, while continuing as Pastor, Good Shepherd Parish-St. Columba Church, Columbia, and Church of the Holy Family, Hebron.
All appointments go into effect on July 16, 2024.
Reverend Peter J. Langevin, Chancellor