"We celebrate this Palm Sunday with the eyes of faith,"

On Sunday, March 24th, the Cathedral of Saint Patrick was filled with the faithful, gathered to commemorate Palm Sunday, marking the beginning of Holy Week.
The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote presided over the Mass, delivering a homily that captured the profound significance of the sacred day. He drew parallels between the disciples' initial inability to grasp the full significance of Christ's entry into Jerusalem and our celebration of Palm Sunday. He emphasized the importance of viewing these events through the "eyes of faith," acknowledging the deep mystery of Jesus’ sacrificial journey toward redemption. "We celebrate this Palm Sunday with the eyes of faith," he reflected, inviting the congregation to contemplate the depth of Jesus' mission to reconcile humanity with God.
The Bishop eloquently described Holy Week as a story of ultimate sacrifice and love-- one that, although familiar, holds profound mystery. He highlighted the transformative power of Jesus' actions, "He willingly confronted sin and its consequences, namely death".
Bishop Cote discussed trust in God's promise, even in the face of death's apparent finality. He urged the faithful to embrace patience and trust, following in the footsteps of Jesus, whose suffering and death on the cross became the "ultimate source of life." As Holy Week unfolds, Bishop Cote's words help to guide us in our contemplation of Christ's Passion, Death, and Resurrection.
We invite you to continue your journey of faith by participating in upcoming Holy Week services. On Tuesday, March 26th, the Chrism Mass will be live-streamed at 10:30 a.m. Please visit the diocese's website at NorwichDiocese.org/Masses to view this live event. A replay of the Palm Sunday Mass is available below.
Have a Blessed Holy Week!