My Father's House Retreat Center
39 N Moodus Rd, Moodus, Connecticut 06469
Presented by Spiritual Renewal Services, a ministry of the Diocese of Norwich
The Life in the Spirit Seminar is a highly enjoyable and healing eight- session program designed to bring an individual into a personal relationship with Jesus and to guide them into the Baptism of the Holy Spirit!
Moodus, CT - May 24 thru 26, 2019
Maximum number of attendees: 60
Please register as soon as possible with My Father’s House Retreat Center:
Register Online:
Phone: 860-873-1906
Meals and lodging for Friday night and Saturday night included in the $150 registration fee
The Life in the Spirit Seminar is commonly used by Catholic groups in the context of renewal in the Roman Catholic Church. It is an instrument for bringing people into a deeper experience of the work of the Holy Spirit. The Seminar offers the basic presentation of the Gospel and the basic teaching about what the Lord is willing to do for all who come to Him.
“The water I give shall become a fountain within him, leaping up to provide eternal life”
- The Life in the Spirit Seminar is available for everyone.
- The Seminar provides a way to learn more about living in the Spirit.
- In the Seminar you can take steps which will allow Jesus Christ to establish, or restore, or deepen a relationship with you.
- For Catholics who have experienced the sacramental graces, Jesus will give you a new and fuller relationship with Himself.
The gift of the Spirit fills our whole life and changes us so that we begin to know and experience God's love and the abundant life Jesus spoke of …
"I came that they might have life and have it to the full." (John 10:10)
The Church has never lost the life of the Spirit nor the experience of the Power of the Spirit.
“God so loved the world that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him may not die, but may have eternal life.” (John 3:16)
- God loves us!
- God wants to make contact with us and have a personal relationship with us!
- God wants to give us a new and better life!
“He it is who will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and fire.” (Matt. 3:11)
And he sent His Spirit to dwell within us so that we might be more closely united to Him than we are to anyone or anything.
The Life in the Spirit Seminar consists of seven 1 ½ hour sessions which are usually given once a week for 7 weeks or a weekend......
- Session 1: GOD'S LOVE - God loves us with everlasting love.
- Session 2: SALVATION - God freed us from darkness & the power of Satan through Jesus Christ.
- Session 3: THE NEW LIFE - God wants to give us a new life through the Holy Spirit
- Session 4: RECEIVING GOD'S GIFTS - How to turn to the Lord (repentance and faith.)
- Session 5: BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT - The entire session is set aside for making the commitment to Christ and prayer for the release of the Holy Spirit, already present from the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation.
- Session 6: GROWTH
A typical session includes:
- Prayer
- Songs of praise
- Explanation of the session
- Talk on the session theme
- Closing prayer and song
- To begin, renew or deepen a relationship with Jesus.
- Fuller participation in Parish Life.
- Greater appreciation of Eucharist and Reconciliation.
- Deeper prayer life.
- Increased Study of Scripture.
The Life in the Spirit Seminar graces Christians to experience a fuller measure of the Fruits of the Spirit.
Love, Joy, Generosity, Gentleness, Faithfulness, Peace, Patience,
Self-Control, Kindness. (Gal.5:22-23)