Father Gregory Galvin, Director of Priestly Vocations

It’s hard to believe that by the time Easter arrives this year we will only be ten days away from the month of May.
God continues to answer the many prayers from all parts of the diocese regarding an increase of vocations. I am excited to announce that Bishop Cote happily accepted Mark Johnson into sponsorship to begin studies for the priesthood. Mark has been discerning a vocation to the priesthood actively since his sophomore year at UCONN and will hopefully be accepted into seminary later this summer. He will be graduating from UCONN in May, with two degrees in science. Mark grew up attending St. Joseph parish in Rockville and lives in Tolland.
With Easter not far off, we are happy to announce that third year theologian Mike Bovino, originally from Pawcatuck, will be ordained a transitional deacon May 23, 2019 at St. Mary Church in Stonington. Mike will begin his fourth year of theology at Mount St. Mary Seminary in Emmitsburg Maryland in September and is looking forward to being called to priestly ordination the last weekend of June in 2020.
Deacon Michael Castiblanco will be finishing his studies this May at Mount Saint Mary Seminary, and has been called to Priestly Ordination by Bishop Cote for June 29, 2019.
As you can see much is going on in the diocese regarding vocations to the priesthood. Therefore, I also want to call to your mind that this coming May, we have our Annual Diocesan Seminary Education Fund collection. We appreciate the prayerful support for our seminarians. Please consider making a gift towards their education. Your donation makes it possible for these men to be well trained and well prepared to lead God’s family in the future.
We appreciate the support you give to our future priests. Have a blessed Holy Week and Easter Season.