During the Lenten Season we are encouraged to change our routine. We are called to “cut back” on the parts of our everyday life that take us away from strengthening our relationship with God our Father. These are the habits and behaviors that make us complacent and unmotivated spiritually. Lent challenges us to practice abstinence, almsgiving and penance to move us out of the dark, emptiness of this world and into the light of God’s unconditional love.
What are the things we personally need to “cut back” on this year, to make room for a meaningful relationship with God?
*Is it television? *Is it use of alcohol and/or drugs?
*Is it gossiping? *Is it working too much?
*Is it over-eating? *Is it laziness?
*Is it apathy? *Is it pride?
*Is it selfishness? *Is it greed?
*Is it materialism? *Is it social media?
When we “cut back “on these behaviors/habits we allow ourselves to grow in other ways, much like a plant that is pruned. Plants are pruned throughout the year to remove deadwood, to shape, to improve or sustain health or to prepare for harvesting or transplanting. This is done so that plants are able to produce fruit, flowers or vegetables.
As human beings we are no different. We all need to prune our lives so that we can make room for new growth and spiritual renewal. The kind of spiritual renewal that makes God alive and active in our everyday lives. The kind of spiritual renewal that gives us hope despite our darkened world. The kind of spiritual renewal that moves our faith from our head to our heart. The kind of spiritual renewal we all long for but don’t often work towards.
Begin today to “cut back” so that you will have room for God’s light to shine through you this EASTER.
This Lenten Season know that you are in our prayers in a special way!
God’s blessings and joy, Andrea, Liza, Marianne & Mary-Jo