We began this Lenten Season on Ash Wednesday where we received ashes on our forehead in the sign of a cross. Those ashes mark the 40 day period of preparation we set aside as Catholics, to journey with Jesus. We spend the next 40 days praying, fasting, reflecting, almsgiving and acknowledging our need for penance, so that we can change and grow physically and spiritually.
What types of change do you want to bring about this Lenten Season?
-Change my relationships with others so they are healthy and life giving.
-Change my relationship with God by committing to meaningful prayer/communication.
-Change my lifestyle to include activities/rituals that put my faith into action.
-Change my attitude so that I mirror Christ’s love and mercy to others.
-Change my routine so that my religious traditions are part of my everyday life.
-Change my heart to make it more understanding and less judgmental.
-Change my world so that we can all experience the gift of the Risen Jesus this Easter.
All of these changes are possible if we are willing to put in the
time and energy we need to make them happen.
Like homework reinforces academic skills and practice reinforces physical skills, we need to dedicate ourselves this Lenten Season, to enhance or spiritual skills!
Similar to Jesus’ 40 days in the desert, through prayer, reflection and fasting we can change and grow closer to our God- the God of unconditional love and mercy. This 40 day journey does involve hard work and some suffering- all positive change does. But at the end of our Lenten journey we will better, stronger and happier Catholics.
Start today with one new addition or one new choice that let’s God know you hear His call and are answering His call to Be More and Do More this Lenten Season.
This Lenten Season know that you are in our prayers in a special way!
God’s blessings and joy, Andrea, Liza, Marianne & Mary-Jo