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Bishop Cote's Pastoral on Life

Posted on January 18, 2024 in: Reflections, ProLife

Bishop Cote's Pastoral on Life

My dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

    January 22, 2024, is the 51st anniversary of the Roe v. Wade supreme court decision legalizing abortion. Although the Roe decision was overturned by Dobbs, the Fight for Life continues. This year, on January 19th, the 51st annual March for Life will be held in Washington D.C. The theme of this year's event is: "With every woman, for every child".

    Now, more than ever, we need to reaffirm our "radical solidarity" with mothers in need. "Love them both" is a popular and fitting slogan that reaffirms the core of our Pro-Life beliefs. In a press conference revealing the theme of this year's event, Jeanne Mancini, Executive Director of the March for Life, acknowledges that saying "yes" to life isn't easy. She noted: "We aren't saying that it is easy, but we are saying that it is right to choose life and we hold that choosing life is empowering and that love saves lives". 

    Mancini notes that "there is a false narrative around abortion" that suggests abortion is "empowering and necessary". She said this "fear-based messaging tries to convince women who are facing unexpected pregnancies that they're alone, that they're incapable, that they are ill-equipped to handle motherhood".

    The church embraces mother and unborn child and affirms "life is beautiful". Pope Francis, in particular, has spoken strongly against the "throwaway culture". "Life", the holy Father said, "is a gift from God for which we cannot take sole credit". He continues, in an address to Italy's Pro-Life movement: "When life itself is violated at its emergence, what remains is no longer the grateful and enchanted welcome of a gift, but a cold calculation of what we have, and what we can use. Then even life is reduced to a one-time use consumer good". Pope Francis concluded his remarks by noting: "where there is life, there is hope".

    There are so many wonderful resources available to mothers in need. It is up to you and I to shine light into what Saint John Paul II said is the "culture of death". Thank you for your courageous witness to life here in the Diocese of Norwich. Together, let's stand in "radical solidarity" "with every woman", and "for every child". "Where there is life, there is hope".

    With every best wish, I am

    Sincerely yours in Christ,

Michael R. Cote
Bishop of Norwich

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