Some thought Catholic men don’t want to talk about their faith, and that they really don’t want to talk about their faith at 6:30 in the morning, but that hasn’t been the experience at St. John Paul II Parish (SJPII) in East Hampton/Moodus! On Saturday mornings, more than 30 men can be found at the St. Patrick Parish Center sharing breakfast, a video presentation and small group discussion as part of the recently launched That Man Is You! (TMIY) men’s program.

Founded in 2004 by Steve Bollman at St. Cecilia Parish in Houston, Texas, TMIY is a successful men’s faith formation and leadership program. It’s active in nearly 900 parishes nationwide, but only in a handful in Connecticut and, until this past September, none in the Norwich Diocese.
In a culture largely indifferent or even hostile to Catholic values, TMIY was formed to encourage men to deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ; help men understand their essential roles as husbands, fathers and spiritual leaders of their families; and develop authentic male leaders capable of transforming themselves, their families and society.
TMIY uses Scripture, the wisdom of the saints and some fun to help men grow as disciples of Jesus and be better husbands, fathers, brothers and sons. That Man Is You! is complementary to both the Knights of Columbus and the ACTS retreat. Its focus on faith development complements the Knights’ service focus and it provides a post-retreat community for men who attend ACTS.

TMIY has three critical components: fellowship over hot breakfast and coffee; great Catholic content in a brief video presentation that combines Church teachings and Scripture; and powerful discussion in small groups.
The early start time occasionally raises eyebrows, but this has been found to be most successful at limiting conflicts. Men are out the door by 8 a.m. before life gets too busy, having accomplished something meaningful and with the whole day ahead of them. The formula works — each week more than 30,000 men gather at TMIY groups across the country. It has become so popular it is now offered in Spanish (¡Ese Hombre Eres Tu!). Men at SJPII agree that it works, as evidenced by the wide appeal of TMIY across all ages — the ages of men participating at SJPII range from 21 to 91!
When asked about TMIY, Father Dariusz Dudzik, pastor of SJPII, said, “TMIY has generated a lot of enthusiasm. I have seen in every parish I ministered at that so many men have walked away from their faith or became lukewarm in it. Thank God for the many women who keep our parishes alive. This program, I hope, is the answer to prayers to reconnect men to their faith and make their spiritual journey more alive and meaningful. May the Lord bless our community with more men enthusiastic and courageous in their commitment to the Church and love for the Lord.”
To learn more about TMIY or attend a session at St. John Paul II Parish to see if TMIY is something to bring to your parish, contact David Arcidiacono at or visit