Statement on Ending Anti-Semitism
December 12, 2023
In recent weeks we have seen a disturbing and unacceptable emergence of anti-Semitism unleashed in many corners of our state and country. These demonstrations, speeches, and acts of intimidation against the Jewish people are profoundly evil and unacceptable.
While there should be civil discourse on issues concerning events at home and abroad, no allowances should be made to those who have taken to the streets, who intimidate others in the classroom, through social media, or in anonymous attacks against the Jewish people.
Catholics have endured bigotry, cross burnings, denial of opportunities and intimidation. We know too well how the unthinkable can become acceptable if we are silent. Sadly, this reality is too often true, as many of our Jewish brothers and sisters now live in fear to attend school, to speak freely in the public square, or face ostracism in their work or daily affairs.
We urge Catholics to pray for Jews everywhere, stand with them against those who wish them harm in words or deeds and call upon our elected leaders to speak and act forcefully to stop this practice in our midst.
We invite everyone to stand with Jews throughout our country and world, reject any destructive element in our midst, and seek a virtuous life where no one should feel threatened at any level for their religious beliefs. We urge political leaders to find solutions in the Middle East that satisfy the aspirations of both Israelis and Palestinians in that tormented part of our world.
Any form of discrimination, bigotry, racial animus against any person or group cannot be tolerated.